
Showing posts from October, 2007

there will be a tea event in taipei, chinese below

泡 茶 師 聯 會 十 月 份 活 動 通 知 “茶館”,是一個最能體現常民文化的活動空間。 所以,這一次我們特別為您邀請到長期致力於茶藝文化推展的范增平老師,來和大家談談『茶藝與相關藝術的應用』;並很難得地,邀請到古篤民俗戲劇團,為您做最精湛、道地的演出。 絕對是今年最藝文、最輕鬆的場景氣氛,和您相約“王有記茶館”見! 時間:96年10月27日(六) 下午2:00 ~ 4:30 活動內容: 13:40~14:00 報到 14:05~15:25 『茶藝與相關藝術的應用』(范增平老師演講) 15:25~15:45 中場休息 15:45~16:25 民俗說唱藝術 (相聲、黃梅調、地方小曲、京劇等) 16:25~16:30 結語/活動結束 地點:王有記茶行 (台北市重慶北路2段64巷26號,電話:02-25559164) 費用:500元 報名熱線:陸羽茶藝中心(02)2331-6636(台北市衡陽路64號3樓) 會 長:徐維琳0918-632-566 ;副 會 長:陳萬清0915-283-928 秘書長:林淑珍0939-497-588 ;活動組長:李玉萍0963-397-821 叮嚀事項: 1. 請帶著愉悅的心情前來。 2. 現場備有蓋碗、茶點招待 (蓋碗在會後贈予與會來賓) 3. 交通:公車206、9、704(延平二站);306、288(副)、636、639、46、215、304、 518、601、302、223(民生重慶路口,朝陽公園站);捷運中山站2號出 口轉306、288(副)、636、639、46;捷運雙連站2號出口轉518。 泡茶師聯會會長 徐維琳 敬邀

Essay and 中文-English speech at Ten Fu College

天福茶学院 九月份 2007年 (Tenfu Tea College) Sep 2007 Published Speech, “Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony as a Practical Way to Learn Tea Brewing”Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, Sep 2007演講是 (無我茶會是學習泡茶的好途徑) 九月份 2007年 Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony as a Practical Way to Learn Tea Brewing ( 無我茶會是學習泡茶的好途徑 ) author and speaker by: Steven R. Jones (作者: 瓊斯史迪芬), August 11,2007 (Published 2007) translation by ( 翻譯者 ) Chang Li-Hsiang ( 張麗香 ) 。Tu, Kuo-Juey ( 涂國瑞 ) 演講者、中文:Lin Yu-Ching(林雨青) ' 各位女士、先生大家好: 首先,感謝天福茶學院給我這個機會發言,創辦人李總裁瑞河先生(Lee Rie-ho) 在這裡實現了他畢生的願望,我真正相信什麼是成果,希望我能有所幫忙,無論如何我期望茶學院校運昌隆,我還要感謝地方社會人士和天福集團,與天仁集團是發展這所學校關鍵之角色。當然,茶文化系系主任,蔡榮章教授 (Tsai, Rong-Tsang ), 也給予許多的協助。 我的講題是 [ 無我茶會是學習泡茶的好途徑 ],我記得第一次我和太太要去參加一個大型茶會我們要泡茶和奉茶,我毫無準備所以在無我茶會太太示範最基本的泡法給我看,之後她買一組簡便茶具,一星期後我們去了我感到非常驚訝,參加者他們來自不同國家和團體,圍繞成圈圈約三圈或四圈,令我感到非常激動和滿意的是竟然自己做得也很好,後來有一天,我告訴朋友他們,我曾去一個大型茶會有很多人來自不同國家,我朋友說:“ 茶會 ? ” 這不僅僅是一個茶會,它是第六屈國際無我茶會,在台北舉行,那樣的體驗之後我時常喝茶更專注於茶的事情。 想到喝茶一詞,腦裡便會浮現很多事情,冬天時奶奶的茶是乘熱而飲,在全家笑談之間,或者優雅正式的英國茶會上,呈現莊嚴歡欣景象。但是,當我們想到茶會或大型茶會要泡一壺好茶,並觀看茶會主人那優美熟練的動作,使我們...

"The Book of Korean Tea",fresh new book

The Book of Korean Tea A Guide to the History, Culture and Philosophy of Korean Tea and The Tea Ceremony" is a pioneering and excellent cultural guide about Korea, Korean tea and Korean tea ceremonies. The history, culture, philosophy, tea and tea ceremony are marvelously woven together to capture the true spirit of the Korean tea culture. This book details the origin and development of the Korean tea culture by referencing historical archives and documents such as the History of the Three Kingdoms, the Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms, and the Official History of the Goryeo Dynasty. For tea enthusiasts around the world, this book features more than eighty pictures and photos of ancient Korean art works and tea utensils, which visually and authentically capture and represent the beauty, sophistication and spirit of Korea s tea culture and history. Elaborate procedures and sophistication of Korean tea ceremony are illustrated, and the influences of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianis...

十大茶法-----The Ten Tea Methods

十大茶法 The Ten Tea Methods ( 中文 ) - ( 英文 ) 小壺茶法 - Small Pot Tea Method 蓋碗茶法 - Cover Bowl Tea Method 抹茶法 - Whisking(Fine powder) Tea Method 含葉茶法 - Nonstrained Tea Method 大桶茶法 - Large Capacity Tea Method 濃縮茶法 - Concentrated Tea Method 旅行茶法 - Travel Tea Method 煮茶法 - Boiling Tea Method 冷泡茶法 - Cold Brewing Tea Method 泡沫茶法 -Foam Tea Method NOTE: 第11屆Korea際無我茶會台灣團紀念特刊英文翻譯:11th Korea, International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony,Taiwan Group Special Edition, will demonstrate several methods for making liquid tea. (we only demonstated 7 tea methods) Steven R. Jones (10/05/07, revised 4/10/09)

International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony kicks off in Korea Date: October 10, 2007 International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, one of the world's most renowned international tea ceremonies, will take place from later this week in Korea with over 1,000 member participants from 11 countries, organizers said Wednesday (Oct. 10). The ceremony, which originated in Taiwan and is marking its 11th this year, will officially begin on Saturday at the Won-Buddhist Headquarters in Iksan, North Jeolla Province, On Friday evening, participants will attend a welcoming dinner with the Mayor of Iksan City at a Seoul hotel. Following the ceremony in Iksan, participants will move to Seoul to attend a final ceremony at the Changgyeong Palace Sunday. More than 200 people from 10 countries, including China, Japan, the U.S., Italy and Malaysia, will join over 1,000 tea-loving people from Korea in the event. Wu-Wo literally means "void or absolute emptiness of self" and serves as the cornerstone of the Wu-W...