
Showing posts from July, 2010

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Demonstration 無我茶會示範( 聖地亞哥 ) 2010

For the 2011 Tea Apprecitions events in San Diego here: Tea Appreciation Day (2011) For information and tea tips: Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony style can be used for Tea Appreciation Day Below is the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony class 2010: Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Demonstration 無我茶會示範( 聖地亞哥 )8/2010 Dianna Harbin has been busy promoting tea culture and preparing for Tea Appreciation Day next year 2011. Dianna Harbin ✆ to SanDiegoTea-an. Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego Tea! What: Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony When: Saturday, August 7, 2010 1:00 PM Where: Cristiano Spa & Wellness/Numero Water Boutique 1660 India Street San Diego , CA 92101 (619) 236-0300 Details: Water is over 99% of liquid tea content.  In order to enjoy quality tea, we must start with pure water.  Come brew tea, serve tea, drink tea the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony way! Everyone participates in this great way to make tea on the go, indoors or outdoors, for just a few or for hundreds of participants! W...

Tea Culture and Gongfu Tea Ceremony Lecture and Demo

Tea Culture and Gongfu Tea Ceremony Tea Masters :  Lee and Steven Jones Pfizer,  La Jolla Date: May 27th, 2010 Time: 12:00~2:00pm Topic: Tea Culture and Gongfu Tea Ceremony Schedule including: Introduction, Lecture and slideshow, Contemporary Gongfu tea ware and tea ceremony site, Tea tasting for entire group, Q&A and serving tea.


我親愛的好友: 唯一兩岸三地同步發行、全球華人追求和平發展的精品月刊《Look Taiwan》美麗寶島雜誌,本期(2010年7月號)刊出一篇由名電視製作人周在台撰寫、專訪阿亮的報導〈進入吳德亮詩書茶畫的迷人世界〉,特別摘錄於下與您分享: 進入吳德亮詩書茶畫的迷人世界◎周在台 是畫家,也是詩人;能寫歌,還懂譜曲;不只主持節目,更能做節目企劃;收拾行囊,背起相機,搖身一變又活脫是個大冒險家,踏遍千山萬水,譜出篇篇詳實而深具內涵的旅遊與茶藝文學。他就是集詩、書、畫、攝影、茶道於一身的吳德亮,被台灣文藝界朋友封為「全方位藝術家」,堪稱一位才華洋溢,又充滿熱情與活力的詩人藝術家,交談中很難不被他渾身散發的熱力所感染,人稱「阿亮大師」是也。 「阿亮大師」解說茶文化 出生於台灣花蓮的吳德亮,年輕時對文學、藝術就有很深的情感,尤其對茶文化更有獨到精闢的見解。他以詩人的心、畫家的眼、作家的筆,深入的觀察與分析,多年來出版了《風起雲湧普洱茶》、《台北找茶》、《珍珠奶茶完全攻略》、《台灣找茶》、《普洱找茶》、《普洱藏茶》、《客鄉找茶》《兩岸烏龍名茶》等多本叫好的茶書;內容深入淺出、鉅細靡遺,配上生動的文學敘述,與繽紛的影像,把茶文化之美昇華於照片與文字中。 在《普洱找茶》一書中,他以一首「夜飲百年普洱」作為序詩,傳神地表達普洱茶的陳韻與迷人丰姿: 我們沸水為媒 天目為器 紅濃明亮的茶湯 在舌尖舞動輕轉 喚醒油膩滿覆的味蕾 漱去腦滿腸肥的貪婪 盪氣直入丹田,幻化 醇厚回甘的驚豔不斷 他怎麼會喜歡上茶,他的茶書又有什麼特色呢? 吳德亮說「飲食文化是一切文化的基礎,我喜歡茶,所以找茶、寫茶,並且希望更多人了解茶、喜歡茶。我的茶書是平實的、消費者取向的,教人如何找茶、辨別茶,並且像藝術品一樣要使人感動;為了紀實,我時常與茶農、茶廠接觸,與他們生活在一起。可以說我是去「找」茶的,從採收到完成,一對一採訪,像是報導文學,但還加上一點「品味」。所有消費文化或飲食文化都涉及品味問題,必須引導消費者喝茶,並且教育他們喝什麼茶需要什麼樣的心情,這樣讀者就會開始講究茶具,惜茶、品茶,慢慢進入茶文化的世界,進而提升文明,這是茶最引人的地方」。 獨特的詩畫視角 曾在《新新聞》、《新觀念》、《飲食雜誌》等各大報刊撰寫專欄,近幾年更以旺盛的創作力出版了近30本書,包括...

Gulf Oil Spill, No need(too late) for apologies

No need(too late) for apologies - April 20 They did it “It ain’t my fault”, many articles have been so eloquently written on, finger pointing and shift blaming from “us” to “them”, in order to make us sleep well at night. And aren’t we the greatest Monday morning quarterbacks. The “who did it” problem was created by a demand for oil. Yet just like drugs if you didn’t have a buyer you wouldn’t have a seller. The hard facts “Hello, my name is Man and I am an oilaholic.”, to change, one must first come to terms with reality.  Man is Earth’s worst enemy. We all are in some way responsible for the oil spill. Humans are intelligent social animals that are destructive to nature’s balance and overpopulate.  Humans have out-witted their natural enemies, Nature attempts to keep man in check through various microbe and viral diseases. Boy are we special There’s much written on the greatness of human endeavor. Yet most of the merits have been to better the human race or fix pro...