Sen no Rikyu 千利休 《 Southern Record 南方録 》
Sen no Rikyu ( 千利休 , 1522 - April 21, 1591) Sen no Rikyu seven rules for the tea ceremony as follows: 1. Make a pleasing bowl of tea 2. Lay the charcoal so that the water boils efficiently 3. Provide a sense of coolness in the summer and warmth in the winter 4. Arrange the flowers as though they were in the field 5. Be ready ahead of time 6. Be prepared in case it should rain 7. Act with utmost consideration toward your guests 利休七則 茶は服のよきように点て, 炭は汤の沸くように置き, 花は野にあるように, 夏は凉しく冬は暖かに, 刻限は早めに, 降らずとも雨の用意, 相客に心せよ。 傳稱由利休創立的茶道的七條法則如下: 利休七則 茶要泡得好, 火要能沸水, 花似野外生, 夏涼而冬暖, 準備要提前, 雨具要備妥, 對陪客貼心。 Southern Record《南方錄》 Sen no Rikyu First Scroll: Memorandum 卷一 覚書 Second Scroll: Gatherings卷二 會 Third Scroll: Shelves卷三 棚 Fourth Scroll: Schools卷四 書院 Fifth Scroll: Tables卷五 台子 Sixth Scroll: Citations卷六 墨引 Seventh Scroll: Memoirs卷七 滅後 This book is considered the most important...