《Tea Shadows茶影》2011.12

Pics相册: http://user.qzone.qq.com/571980597/photo/V10Vxd5K1ObVDT/ Tea Shadows Summary 《茶影》简介 Tea Shadows, with music inspired by Tan Dun and based on the legend of Narcissus and Echo, a story of two people, born into this world, different but compelled to meet. A young boy named Nars, a dancing wonder, carefree and self-loving. A young girl named Echo, a singing beauty, caring and loving. Both came from different backgrounds, yet had one thing in common, tea. Tea and a destiny to be together, but only for a short time that felt like an eternity. The story is filled with song, dance, and the magic of tea! Will this journey have a happy ending...? 戏剧《茶影》的创作,取材于希腊神话人物Narcissus(水仙) 和Echo ( 回音),音乐灵感源自谭盾歌剧《茶》,讲述两个不同的人的邂逅。男主角Nars ( 水仙),为舞蹈而生的奇葩,天马行空、自恋非常。另外,女主角Echo(回音),拥有与生俱来的美妙歌喉,体贴入微,钟情重情。两个来自不同世界的人,都对茶有着由衷的热爱。因茶结缘,但短时间内的相处却停止在永恒的瞬间。这一故事充满歌声、舞蹈与茶之魂!这一段传奇,结局会怎样呢? Opening : Dec.29, 2011 演出时间: 2011 年 12 月 29 日 ...