
Showing posts from August, 2005

2005 年 第十屆國際無我茶會

International Wu-WoTea Ceremony, 10th Session, 2005 Date: 1st to 9th of November 2005 Fujian, Xiamen (Amoy), Zhangpu, Wuyi Mountain, Dali, Lijiang, Nine days. The World's largest tea museum, "Ten-fu Tea Museum". Culture heritage site at Wuyi Mountain State Nature Reserve Yunnan Minority Nationality Tour, Chuncheng (Spring city) — Kunming, Dali, Cangshan, Erhai, Old City at Lijiang. Info: Wuyi Mountain The Wuyi mountain scenic spot situated in the middle of the Wuyi mountain range, within the boundary of Wuyishan City Well-known for its scholars and poets. Wuyi Scenic Spot has been designated as a key national scenic spot. Please contact: International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association 3F, #64, Heng-Yang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 10003 Tel: +886-2-2331-6636 FAX: +886-2-2331-0660 E-mail: English Chinese 2005 年 第十屆國際無我茶會 2005年 11月1日~11月9日 福建廈門漳埔武夷山大理麗江九天 世界最大茶博物院?天福茶博物院,世界自然文化遺產?武夷山 雲南少數民族巡禮,春城—昆明,大理倉山洱海.麗江古城遊 發起單位 國際無我茶會推廣協會 10003,台北市衡陽路62號...

The Venerable MasterYin-Hai

Special thanks to: * The Venerable MasterYin-Hai for the opportunity to come and have the chance to be a part of the temple's activities. * Ven. Huei Hsuen Shih for the invitation and assistance, and to Chris for his assistance. * Also thanks to Nancy for taking photos.

Dharma Seal Temple

Date: Sunday August 21, 2005 Place: Dharma Seal Temple, (法印寺) 3027 N Del Mar Ave Rosemead, CA 91770

Introduction to Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

Speech: Steven R. Jones * Tea Classification and Tea Culture * Introduction to Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony * Lu-Yu Small Pot Tea Laws, (陸羽小壺茶法)

From still to ready position. (從靜態到動態)

This is the beginning position. Demonstration: Tea Master Chang, Li-Hsiang (張麗香) * Lu-Yu Small Pot Tea Laws, (陸羽小壺茶法) created by Tsai, Rong Tsang (蔡榮章)

Tea Ware (茶器)

Water kettle 水壺 Tea cup 茶杯 (cup, thimble cup) Teapot 茶壺 (tea pot) and 茶盅 tea pitcher (tea decanter, tea container, tea jug, ewer)

Tea Holder (茶荷)

In our case we did not have a Tea Holder, therefore we improvised. We used a blue porcelain bowl.

A few of the "Small Pot" steps.

Pouring tea into the tea pitcher. Pouring from the tea pitcher into the paper cups. Going to serve tea. Bowing after serving tea. Bowing and seating after the tea cups have been collected
Thanks again.

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony (無我茶會)

Written by Steven R. Jones Taipei, June 16, 2005 The Concept of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “Wu-Wo” is a style of Tea Ceremony. “Wu”, and “Wo”, are actually Chinese words with philosophical meaning. When we use the word “wu” (無), it means; a void or absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine therefore it is like an infinite space. When we use the word “wo” (我), it means mine, self or being. When we put these two words together they almost seem like a contradiction in terms, the word “wo”, seems like being and the word “wu”, seems like not being. But we must reach and look deeper into the meanings of both words. “Wu-Wo” (無我), means; to empty the mind like an endless void and it is without anything to sense; it is just “being” with no physical or mental attachments. For example, we should forget about our: knowledge, wealth, appearance, and etc. So there is group equality without prejudice. This is our concept of “Wu-Wo”. And this is shown in the “Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony”. ...


Written by Founder Tsai, Rong Tsang (蔡榮章) Taipei, July 2005 「無我茶會」是一種茶會形式 無我,「無」和「我」,中文賦予哲學上的意義。當我們說「無」,它是「空」的、「什麼都沒有」的、是超越了一切感官和意念,而達到無限大空間的一種精神思想。當我們說「我」,它是「我的」、「自己」、「正存在著」。當我們把這兩個字放在一起時,它又像是一個矛盾的詞句,這個「我」象徵「正存在著」,但這個「無」卻象徵「並不存在著」,是剛好相反的詞彙。所以我們必須以較深遠、高層次的來理解「無我」的意思。「無我」,是空的一種思想、是一種「無」了以後所產生出來的「有」;是以「存在著這個空間」來表示,不是以肉體或是加附在某種心理層面的。舉個例子來說,我們應該忘了有關我們自己外在的一些東西:如知識、財富、外貌等。所以這個團體是公平的,而且沒有偏見的,這就是「無我」所要和你們分享的想法。現在你們所看到的茶會,就是無我茶會的進行方式。 彩虹 為什麼無我茶會的旗幟是七彩的彩虹呢? 一道彩虹是由七種絢麗的色彩所組合而成的,但當我們把這七種色彩融合在一起之後,所出現的色彩是純白色的。無我茶會所追求的圓形彩虹融合而成純白的光,以及在圓形中央空白的地方,是可以讓我們聯想到「無」。無我茶會所要表達的觀念,舉個例子來說,是指人們有了知識、財富、外貌時,要試著去忘了這些,並且超越這些外在的有。