
Showing posts from May, 2008

5/3/2008, Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』

Image The Chairperson Ms. Chen Yi-Han (陳依涵) of the International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association held the annual Tea Appreciation Day at the east and west side square of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, on May 3, 2008, Saturday, with around 4oo people brewing tea and they also served many happy spectators. It was a beautiful sunny day; but it was hot so I think everyone enjoyed the refreshing tea. 中華國際無我茶會推廣協會 代表人-陳依涵理事長 5/03(六) 下午3:00-5:00 舉辦地點-台北市國父紀念館-東、西側廣場 茶會方式-無我茶會, 人數-400

2008 Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』

我們想大約有100人會來。 但是幾乎200人來。 台北市政府安康老人自費安養中心, Steven Jones, 5/6(二), 上午9:00,安康安養中心, 茶席. 100人 We had a Tea Appreciation Day and a Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony at the Ankang Senior Center in Taipei, May 6, 2008, the eight tea brewers sitting at tables made tea Wu-Wo style (sharing tea with the other brewers and the spectators). We were expecting about 100 people, but the place was packed with over one hundred people! There were other performances, such as dancing, singing, comedy, and awards. 2008 年世界奉茶日暨母親節聯歡會 --- 「茶香念慈恩」流程 日期: 97 年 5 月 6 日 上午 9 : 00—1 1 : 00 地點:長青樓活動中心 活動規劃: STEVEN R. JONE S 老師、 張麗香 老師 奉茶茶友: STEVEN R. JONE S 老師、 張麗香 老師、 謝婉珊 、林淑珍、 洪祥華、黃志麗、林慶陽 、 黃斯美等 8 人