
Showing posts from June, 2010


for tea terms and chart;


第四十一屆陸羽泡茶師檢定考試學科試題 泡茶師檢定考試學科試題 (34-42) practice 1.請選出宋代茶書: (A)蔡襄《茶錄》 (B)趙汝礪《北苑別錄》 (C)審安老人《茶具圖贊》 (D)許次紓《茶疏》 2.選出下列各組茶具中兩者功能相同者: (A)金法曹與碾(B)胡員外與瓢(C)陶寶文與碗(D)羅樞密與羅合 3. “伊公羹、陸氏茶”這六個字是鑄刻在《茶經•四之器》中的哪個器具上? (A)碾(B)具列(C)都籃(D)風爐 4.對中國的飲茶風尚傳播到日本起到推動作用的人有哪些? (A)陸廷燦(B)空海(C)榮西(D)最澄 5. “煥如積雪、燁若春敷”出自: (A)左思《嬌女詩》 (B)杜育《荈賦》 (C)鮑令暉《香茗賦》 (D)陶弘景《雜錄》 6.下列觀點出自陸羽《茶經》的有哪些? (A)其水,用山水上,江水中,井水下。 (B)為飲,最宜精行儉德之人。 (C)其地,上者生爛石,中者生櫟壤,下者生黃土。 (D)茶之為飲,發乎神農氏,聞於魯周公。 7.陸羽的出生地在: (A)浙江湖州(B)江西上饒(C)湖北天門(D)浙江安吉 8. 《六羨歌》表達了陸羽對師傅的思念之情,陸羽的師傅是: (A)皎然(B)智積(C)李齊物(D)懷素 9.據《後魏錄》記載,王肅把茶稱作什麼? (A)荈(B)荼(C)酪奴(D)茗 10.最能體現器以載道思想的兩部茶書有: (A)審安老人《茶具圖贊》 (B)陸羽《茶經》 (C)張源《茶錄》 (D)榮西《喫茶養生記》 11.早春採摘政和大白茶品種的單芽為原料,按殺青、理條、烘乾工序製成的茶為? (A)綠茶(B)不發酵茶(C)白茶(D)部分發酵茶 12.在製茶過程中有以“曬”作為乾燥工序的茶有哪些? (A)武夷岩茶(B)曬青綠茶(C)存放普洱(D)渥堆普洱 13.請將下列各選項按原料成熟度由高降低的順序排列 (A)湖北老青磚(B)太平猴魁(C)竹葉青(D)安溪鐵觀音 14.就以製茶過程中可採用“曬青萎凋”工序的包括哪些? (A)白牡丹(B)白毫烏龍(C)紅茶(D)碧螺春 15.下列哪些茶的第一道製作工序為萎凋? (A)白牡丹(B)白毫烏龍(C)金駿眉(D)恩施玉露 16.下列鮮葉原料在栽培過程中經...

california tea

Beginnings of a Tea Farm in California, Roy Fong Starts Cali Tea Farm Tuesday, 23 March 2010 by Heidi Kyser On Monday, Imperial Tea Court owner Roy Fong closed escrow on a 23-acre farm in Esparto, Calif., where he plans to grow approximately 10 acres of Camellia sinensis. "It's taken every single skill I've learned in my entire professional life to do this," said a relieved Fong. "We had to be very creative to make this happen." He was referring to the lending process, run by banks which he described as being extremely reluctant to loan money, despite the fact that he had enough cash for 50 percent of the down payment on the property. Fong said he tried six different banks before finding one that would finance the deal, which did not involve any outside investment, only his personal capital and loans from friends, family and the bank. "Our offer was accepted Dec. 8, and we finally just closed escrow yesterday (Monday, March 22.)," he add...

中國古代茶書Chinese Classic Tea Books

中國古代茶書 陸 羽 茶經 裴 汶 茶述 張又新 煎茶水記 蘇 廈 十六湯品 溫庭筠 采茶錄 王 敷 茶酒論 毛文錫 茶譜 陶 谷 茗莢錄 丁 謂 北苑茶錄 周 絳 補茶經 葉清臣 述煮茶泉品 劉 異 北苑拾遺 蔡 襄 茶錄 宋子安 東溪試茶錄 黃 儒 品茶要錄 沈 括 本朝茶法 趙 佶 大觀茶論 唐 庚 斗茶記 熊 蕃 宣和北苑貢茶錄 桑 莊 續茶譜 趙汝礪 北苑別錄 審安老人 茶具圖贊 楊維楨 煮茶夢記 朱 權 茶譜 錢椿年 茶譜 吳 旦 水辨 吳 旦 茶經外集 田藝蘅 煮泉小品 徐獻忠 水晶 陸樹聲 茶寮記 孫大綬 茶譜外集 屠 隆 茶說 陳 師 茶考 張 源 茶錄 陳繼儒 茶話 張謙德 茶經 許次紓 茶疏 屠本峻 茗笈 徐 蚴 蔡端明別紀 熊明遇 羅芥茶記 馮寸可 茶錄 羅 廩 茶解 夏樹芳 茶董 龍 膺 蒙史 陳繼儒 茶董補 喻 政 茶集 喻 政 茶書全集 徐 蚴 茗譚 黃龍德 茶說 程百二 品茶要錄補 萬邦寧 茗史 聞 龍 茶箋 周高起 陽羨茗壺系 周高起 洞山芥茶系 程用賓 茶錄 馮可賓 劉源長 茶史 余懷 茶史補 冒襄 ? 程作舟 茶社便覽 陸廷燦 續茶經 程雨亭 整飭皖茶文牘 程清 龍井訪茶記 存目茶書 後記

blog template

do not attempt to adjust the picture. blogger has new templates, and this one is called "simple", it looks a little too simple, glad i saved the old template...

Tea Terms 2010 中英文茶術語

=- =- =- = Tea Terms 2010 中英文茶術語 = -= -= -= A list of terminology for tea worked on since 2004 and first put on internet Jun 2010. Traditional Chinese, pinyin spelling without tones, and Unicode (UTF-8) encoding used. Steven R. Jones, 2010 (revisions:   2011.10.05; 2010.08; 2010.06.11  )   Terms used for describing fresh tea leaves (see below links*): Fresh Leaf Type 茶青類 : tip-tea type 芽茶類 :   all-tip 全芽心   one-tip two-leaf 一心二葉 leaf-tea type 葉茶類 :   terminal facing-leaf* 對口葉   terminal facing three-leaf 對口三葉 Note:   terminal facing-leaf 對口葉 is also called (banjhi leaf) in India. Black Tea Leaf Grading (only used for black tea, in India and nearby.) (see below links*):   Flowery Orange Pekoe 花橙白毫   Orange Pekoe 橙白毫   Pekoe 白毫   Souchong 小種   Pekoe Souchong 白毫小種   Congou 工夫   Bohea 武夷 Fres...