茶之专业英语Specialized English for Tea

茶之专业英语Specialized English for Tea class since 2008 选修课: 28, 课程名称:专业英语*, 学时数学分:2, 学年:第二学年, 天福茶学院茶文化系 http://cwh.tftc.edu.cn/ Everything you ever wanted to know about tea and more. Tenfu Tea College(天福茶學院)located in Fujian Zhangzhou, the first College devoted to the study of tea. http://www.tftc.edu.cn/ Internatianal students are welcome, (but keep in mind classes are taught in Chinese). I am currently teaching a "Specialized English for Tea", English language tea terminology and Chinese language terminology , as well as translating methods and reasoning. The course is gear for the Chinese speaking student experienced or educated in Tea Studies as well as a grasp of Chinese and English language . ----------------------------------- On June 7 th , 2007 at 6:15 pm, http://wanderlustandlipstick.com/all-the-tea-in-china/ I wrote on behalf of Ten Ren Teaism Foundation . I have tried my best to translate into English about the event we will be attending. A...