
Showing posts from April, 2009

Singapore Wu-Wo Tea Member

新店@清茶居A new shop, same old friendly faces, starting November 2007 @ Teacastle on 38 Mosque Street (Chinatown), Singapore 059516Tel : (65) 62205620 拝啓 平素は格別のお引き立てをいただき、厚く御礼申し上げます。さて この度私共「清茶居」は11月1日より移転し業務を行なうことになりました。なにとぞご高承のうえ 一層のお引立を賜わりますようお願い申し上げますまずは略儀ながらご通知かたがたご挨拶申し上げます  敬具 To get to the new location...To South bridge Rd (Sri Mariamman Temple) Bus no. 166, 197, 61, Funvee To Eu Tong Sen st (People's Park Complex) Bus no. 2, 12, 33, 63, 80, 143, 197, 61, 961, 970, CT-8, CT18, CT28 Or take the MRT and alight at the Chinatown station! here is their blog

Italian Association for Tea Culture

意大利茶文化協會致力於在國內外促進茶文化研究和普及。為所有從事茶文化研究的學者、茶界從業者、茶愛好者以及所有有志於探究茶文化之人士架起一座溝通橋梁。 本協會活動包括學術研究、中國茶藝和日本茶道講座、茶葉審評專題講座、普及性講座、茶藝展示會、品茗會、茶葉產地的參觀以及各種與茶有關的文化活動。 意大利茶文化協會的優勢在於其創始人和會員們積累的寶貴經驗。通過二十餘年不輟之研習,在意大利撰寫并編譯了最主要的專著和專業文章,舉辦了次數甚多的各類茶文化活動。 地址(Address): Associazione Italiana Cultura del Tè Via Luigi Rizzo 1 - 36100 Vicenza- Italy 意大利 電子郵箱: 聯係人(中文): Livio Zanini 查立偉 先生 - 會長電子郵箱: livio.zanini@unive.it電話: +39 347 2585338 Marco Ceresa 馬克 教授 - 名譽會長電子郵箱: ceresa@unive.it電話: +39 041 2349507 Map: all contacts Livio Zanini, presidenteE-mail: Cellulare: +39 347 2585338 Marco Ceresa, presidente onorario E-mail: Telefono: + 39 041 2349507 Barbara SIghieri, consigliere E-mail: Cellulare: +39 347 5749119 Daniele Fajner, consigliere E-mail: Cellulare: +39 347 0916836 Guido Cattolica, consigliereE-mail: guido.cattolica@hotma...

2009 Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』

In Taipei, at :National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. On May 2, 2009 3:00pm to 5:00pm, will be the 2009 Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』, conducted by the International Wu-Wo Tea Association, Taiwan Chapter. 中華國際無我茶會推廣協會舉辦世界奉茶日地點5/02(六)下午3:00-5:00台北市國父紀念館廣場, 2009 Photos1照片 Photos2照片 2009世界奉茶日國父紀念館無我茶會

tea before, during, and after the Tea Sage Lu Yu

Most of the information here was gathered from the internet, and I have added some notes of my thoughts, again they are only my opinions, so I do not write this as a debate but as writing with different ideas and theories. Discover & Using Tea   (1)Its Etymological Review In the prehistoric time, nothing ever invented that could be recognized by the later mankind as words. For intercommunication, vocal utterance was used only. The thing tea made its premier appearance as recorded in the first book of words, Er Ya, wherein it gave a definition: “Jia, a bitter plant.” The alleged author of Er Ya made this definition on circa 1115 B.C. This was more than three thousand years ago. The word in Chinese Han language is 价, Pronounced JIA. China did not have unified characters and dialects before Qin Dynasty had unified the entire territory. Therefore the words representing this commodity were many. Many forms in calligraphy also contributed to the confusion. According to the Tea Classi...

Green and Black Tea: caffeine and flavonoid

According to the American Medical Association it sets the limits at 300 milligrams per day, one cup is 8 ounces (that’s 7 cups of tea 56oz or 3 cups of coffee 24oz ), and, this amount is lower for pregnant women and children. These are the maximums, so feel free to drink less but not more. (Amounts are approximate and generic coffee, tea, and caffeine content may vary.) Health-wise any variety of tea has its specific health benefits. Flavonoid content of black and green teas: Black and green teas both contain similar amount of flavonoids, however they differ in their chemical structure. Green teas contain more of the simple flavonoids called catechins, while the oxidation that the leaves undergo to make black tea converts these simple flavonoids to the more complex varieties called theaflavins and thearubigins. *Green Tea and Black Tea more similar than different. *Oxidation is the deciding factor that makes a tea Green or Black. *Good quality Green Tea and average Black Teas...

San Diego Sun Yet Sen Chinese School

San Diego Sun Yet Sen Chinese School 4388 Thorn St. San Diego, CA 92105 Principal, Winnie Davis April 5, 2009 from 10am to 12pm. Students and guest teachers, around 30~35people Photos照片 TOPIC 茶道與鐵觀音品茶趣 Tea Lore, Iron Goddess Tea Brewing and Fun Tea Tasting presented by: Tea Master Instructor Steven R. Jones Tea Master Chang Li-Hsiang ( 張麗香 ) Special thanks to Winnie Davis, for giving us this opportunity and it is an honor to share with the school and for us to be a small part promoting the Arts of Tea. Tea Culture and Tea Appreciation (about 2hrs, 50min + 70min = 120mins) approximate schedule::: (40min) PowerPoint Lecture - Bushes, teas varieties, tea production, history, and culture. (5min) Q&A (5min) ---students take a break--- Brewing preparation (tea ware and water) * (25min) Small Pot Brewing demonstration- 焙火鐵觀音烏龍茶 --- Roast Iron Goddess Oolong Tea Show and explain tea ware and brewing steps (15min) Savoring Tea- serving & drinking, one paper cup and hot tea served to eve...