
Showing posts from January, 2011

old article about lu-yu

Luyu center fosters rebirth of Chinese tea culture Publication Date:07/26/1991 By  Jennifer Chiu Tea drinking is part of China's daily routine. Certainly, in no other country except Japan does tea drinking appear to be more universal. Tea is drunk in China by people of all ages and classes, on all occasions, at any time of day or night. Tea drinking is also an art. Greatly promoted during the Tang (A.D. 618-907) and Sung (960-1279) dynasties, tea became more than a drink. The two great dynasties cultivated a culture of tea appreciation. Tea treatises, tea paintings and tea poetry abounded. China teemed with tea houses where people could enjoy their tea while listening to lectures, reading manuscripts, exchanging political opinions, or strolling about the exquisite gardens of the tea house. But, by the early 20th century, Chinese tea art was headed towards oblivion. A combination of internal decay and exter...

Tea terms and translating conventions

Goal: have a vocabulary for tea studies (note: First if there is already a common English term that is already used, it is better not to translate by creating new English words. If there are significant alternative names for the term, then usually in the description article's first sentence they can be mentioned.) Due to various translation systems, including their changes over time, and a general misunderstanding of Chinese has lead to inconsistent and multiple English spellings for the same Chinese words. This not only causes confusion but overall disruptive misuse of Chinese derived terms. Origin of term:  Names can be more than confusing due to several key factors. Because of old names that come from the mixing of several languages (Cantonese, Chinese, Fukienese, and others) and the differences in each area's individual name, pronunciation and spelling of the tea, as well as the fact that one tea can have many different Chinese names. Rules and Conventions...

TFTC (09) Tea Culture Dept. pictures

TFTC (09) Tea Culture Dept. pictures 09茶文化系 this years pictures.!!!2010 Photos照片       我校成功举行发展中国家援外学员茶艺师认证考试   发布日期:2010-11-29 10:27:28  浏览次数:502   由国家商务部主办、漳州天福茶学院承办的第二届发展中国家无公害茶叶生产技术培训班在天福茶学院举行。此项目于 2010 年 10 月 15 日至 12 月 9 日期间举行,来自 13 个国家的 25 名学员参加此次为期 56 天的培训。按此次培训班的行程安排, 11 月 20 日,该批学员参加我校组织的国家职业资格证书茶艺师认证考试,此次认证考试是我省首次规模较大的国外学员的国家职业资格认证考试。考试分理论和技能考试,理论采用笔试的形式,技能采用茶艺演示的形式。茶艺演示采用的茶叶采用抽签的形式,共有三种茶:红茶、普洱茶、铁观音。学员根据自己的抽签决定泡哪种茶,在考试过程中将该种茶的特性结合自身的表现展现出来。        图 1 :援外学员技能考试现场       此次考试对我校国家职业技能鉴定工作的开展意义重大,促进我校的鉴定工作再上一个新的台阶。 图 2 :援外学员奉茶给评委 2010 年 11 月 21 日 main article: Training Course on pollution-free tea production technology for Developing Countries 05.11 07.05 3 Seminar on Tea International Trade and Industrialized for Developing Countries 08.30 09.26 3

Gentleman Tea Ceremony 君子茶禮

Updates: 君子茶禮 Gentleman (Junzi君子) Tea Ceremony "Teacher Appreciation Thanksgiving Festival" gentleman tea ceremony   Date:2010/10/12 ~ 2011/10/30   Time:3:00 – 3: 30 pm,Tues. to Fri.      10:00 – 10:30 am, Sat.      9:00 – 9:30 am, 3:00 – 3:30 pm, Sun. Pics 照片: On the 28th of September, 2010, we celebrated the 2560th anniversary of Confucius’ birthday with the Gentleman’s Tea Ceremony to show our gratitude towards all teachers. The Gentleman’s Tea Ceremony is performed in the “Thanking Ritual for Teachers” to show the tea culture in Taiwan as well as to express gratefulness towards teachers. Confucius: “With righteousness as his substance, the gentleman acts in accordance with the rites, expresses himself with humility, and is complete with trustworthiness. He is a gentleman indeed!” The Gentleman’s Tea Ceremony event step by step: ...