
Showing posts from August, 2011

茶發展史之源流 Developmental History of Tea

第十三屆國際無我茶會 , 暨 國際茶文化節 , 論文集 Proceedings of the 13th International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and Tea Culture Festival Pub.:   天仁茶藝文化基金會 Ten Ren Tea Arts and Culture Foundation Date:   2011.05 ISBN:   978-986-84204-2-7 茶發展史之源流 Developmental History of Tea 作者 : 張麗香    (Chang, Li-Hsiang) 茶發展史之源流 Developmental History of Tea _______________ 張麗香    (Chang, Li-Hsiang) _______________ 2011 年,三月 Abstract 摘要 : For a long time, when talking about tea, people love to say it is the essence of life's clock. However, in this green tender tea leaf, together it is not just jade green, but it is from the slow mixing that comes out and makes new green life, stretching out in the natural landscape, and has an endless supply of vitality, tea will win and therefore not be extinguished through the ages through praise and song. "Tea" possesses a re...

Taiwan Tea Experiment Station No.12 to 21 (台茶 TTES#)

Tea cultivars developed in Taiwan. Taiwan Tea Experiment Station No.12 to 21 茶樹品種介紹(台茶12號~台茶21號) (TTES #12-21) 台茶12號 金萱 TTES #12 Jinxuan 台茶13號 翠玉 TTES #13 Cuiyu 台茶14號 白文 TTES #14 Baiwen 台茶15號 白燕 TTES #15 Baiyian 台茶16號 白鶴 TTES #16 Baihe 台茶17號 白鷺 TTES #17 Bailu 台茶18號 紅玉 TTES #18 Hongyu 台茶19號 碧玉 TTES #19 Biyu 台茶20號 迎香 TTES #20 Yingxiang 台茶21號 紅韻 TTES #21 Hongyun main article here:

來參加君子茶禮 。Gentleman Tea Ceremony.

Welcome everyone.   Gentleman Tea Ceremony 君子茶禮 Today we will demonstrate the Gentleman Tea Ceremony and brew together Pouchong Light Oolong Tea. Time: Sep. 1, at 3~3:30pm. (Thu) Location: Taipei Confucius Temple (No.275, Dalong St., Datong District, Taipei City) Pics 照片: 歡迎大家。 來參加君子茶禮 。 日期: 100 年9 月1 日 時間: 下午15 :00-15:30 活動地點: 臺北市孔廟 (臺北市大同區大龍街275號) 臺北市孔廟: 舞動儒風: 活動洽詢電話: 886-2-25560986 Junzi 君子:   Confucius used this term to describe his ideal person. The functions of government and social stratification were facts of life to be sustained by ethical values; thus his ideal human was the junzi . Translated as: "gentleman", "superior person", "nobleman", or "exemplary person", the term literally means "lord's son". More info: Past events:...

李三姑 : 普洱茶講座

陸羽茶學研討會普洱茶講座 *Photos 照片 講題:    深 入 普 洱 茶 的 奧 妙 世 界 時間: 2011年8月20日(週六)下午2點至5點 地點: 陸羽茶藝中心鴻儀堂 主講人: 李三姑 Esther   (天福普洱茶研發中心負責人) 講授大綱:  1.普洱茶的身世之謎  (產地、品種、製作、存放)  2.普洱茶鑑賞 ( 普洱茶的評鑑與欣賞) 報名: 請向陸羽茶藝中心門市報名,即日起至8月10日截止 &

Green, Oolong, and Black Tea (processng and chart)

In the below table we have listed the types of fermentation and the major processes involved to make various teas. The non-fermented teas consist of green tea.   The partial fermentation is oolong tea.   Full fermentation is how black tea is made. This classifying and listing by sequence shows the terms for processing of tea.   Below we have expanded the processes.   For the process of “harvesting” we use the raw tea product identified as “fresh leaves”. Primary Tea Processing (no roasting, scenting, or spicing)  - Remember only green, oolong, and black tea are shown. Primary Tea Processing:  green tea, oolong tea, and black tea. Main article: ===Classification of teas=== post–fermentation 後發酵 (Puer and dark tea) enzymatic oxidation 酶促氧化 fermentation 發酵 oxidation  氧化 Classification:  分類: The four classifications of tea according to ferm...