
Showing posts from February, 2007

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, (I)

Feb 25, 2007, at 11:00am the first "Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony", in the San Diego area, Fallbrook.121 & 125 E. Hawthorne, at "BlissSville's" and"Fallbrook Holistic Health Center", was held and it was great ! Thanks to Holly's yoga center, the place was made for having tea ceremonies. Many of the brewers had never heard of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and none had ever participated in one. I was personally impressed at the enthusiasm of the brewers and how smooth things went. At the end of the ceremony we did something that Ariel does often and teaches, called "tone circles", we all chanted in a very resonating level it was a perfect finish. Everyone including myself can't wait to do this again. NOTE:--(revised Sep 2007, Jan 5, 2009"removed International from Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony") It's just a word, it is my fault, the International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony is reserved for the international event held every two years. At the bottom of the ...

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, (II)

San Diego 2007, 1st "Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony" , on Feb 25, 2007, at 11:00am held in Fallbrook. Coordinators: Steven & Lee Shang Jones Assistant Coordinators: Frederick & Ariel Rasp, Holly Steele Photographer: Tom Denny Assistants: Tamara Stadler, Sandy, Ken Sanders, Steve, Dennis Graphics: Derik, FedEx Kinko’s Click here for pics

new on the block but real tea learning, not ads

looks nice with some good info " Steepology Tea Info ", there is a section on history and myth and these stories if you have not heard them are interesting but dont count myth of as myth, the is usually some or lots of truth to many myths. --icetea

"How to do tips" for Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony 無我茶會 style can be used for Tea Appreciation Day Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony is a simple way to brew, serve, and drink tea, it can be done together or alone. Make tea more than just a drink, make it an event t enrich life. The Chinese term "Wu-Wo無我" literally is the Buddhist term “Sanskrit: anatta; Pali: anatman”, loosely defined as “no self”.  (Chinese: 无我/無我wúwǒ; Japanese: muga; Korean: 무아, mua; Vietamese: vô ngã; Sanskrit: anatman; Pali: anatta .) Wu-wo tea ceremony tea ware: teapot or coverbowl; tea pitcher; 4 cups; serving tray; cloth; brewing mat; thermos; timer; seat cushion, and a backpack. The circular rainbow is a group of rings in the colors of the rainbow. The colors are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.                                       ...

BlissSville as an Oasis for your Body, Mind & Spirit

On Feb 25, 2007, at 11:00am the first " Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony", in the San Diego area, Fallbrook. 121 & 125 E. Hawthorne, at "BlissSville's" and"Fallbrook Holistic Health Center". Also my first in America! (This event is a non-profit and free no charge). Below are some of the people that will attend. Found another tea shop, this time it’s a husband and wife team in Fallbrook CA, Frederick and Ariel real devoted people, and the tea shop had a very good feeling, (good Qi/Chi/氣), they were celebrating the Chinese New Year, and enjoying some great teas. I was surprise by the different people coming in and out to say hi and have tea and snacks, I heard one man talking about making laser for identifying crystals, and a lady that was a “Feng Shui consultant” (pronounced "fung shway", in English). Also some Yoga practitioners. The tea in the picture is a lotus flower and BlissSville’s , Phoenix Eyes- a high quality pearl green tea wi...

士林社區大學茶道藝術社, Tea Arts Society, Shihlin C.C.

  士林社區大學茶道藝術社在Yahoo!奇摩開部落格囉!! Tea Arts Society, Shihlin C.C. 茶道藝術社團,臺北市士林社區大學 Tea Arts Society, Shilin Community College 老師, Teacher: 涂國瑞 Tea Master Instructor Tu Kuo-Juey 台北市士林區社區大學開設「茶道藝術社」,班級結合社區經營,學員「以茶會友」,還到養老院表演茶道敬老;學員情牽「茶緣」,有近8成學員都是捨不得畢業的「舊生」。 士林社大「茶道藝術社」於民國89年創設,開課以來吸引不少學員參加;社大統計,97學年有31名學員,其中有5人是新生,26人是舊生,舊生「回鍋」比例高,「學齡」最長者從89年就報名上課,也有美國、日本籍學員來上課。社大打趣,學員都捨不得畢業。 士林社大主秘劉君英表示,茶道藝術社的班級經營不錯,課前有學員主動準備開水,也有學員自動排桌椅,感情融洽,此外,班級結合社區服務,學員在重陽節或假日定期到老人會、養老院舉辦敬老茶會,或與位於士林的知名餅店共同舉辦吃餅配茶公益活動,將喝茶的概念推廣到社區。 劉君英說,茶道藝術社課程著重學員心得分享,半數課程探討泡茶基本功,其餘課程以不同主題讓學員發揮;上學期就以茶結合茶點,讓學員自己動手DIY。由於社大僅發給研習證明書,講師還鼓勵學員取得泡茶師或無我茶會證照肯定技藝,去年度的茶道藝術社就有15人擁有泡茶師證照。 茶道藝術社講師涂國瑞表示,古人「以茶會友」,現代的社區大學開設的茶道課程,茶不僅成為人際橋梁,也是修身養性的方式,學員則有年輕化趨勢,另也不乏老外慕名茶文化而報名上課,跨國文化可以帶著走,老外的學習態度反而比本國人還專注。 士林社大茶道藝術社「上課最久」的學員林淑珍,在茶道藝術社開班就上課至今,她說,講師傳授的是20 年習茶經驗,她才習茶9年,不算什麼,雖然有時與初級學員同班,對舊生而言反而是「溫故知新」,同學間因「茶緣」成為好朋友,才是最大的收獲。 臺北市士林社區大學, 是一所坐落於臺灣臺北市的社區大學,始創於1999年9月,校址設於百齡高中,由財團法人崇德文教基金會承辦,校長為張明致。課程主要有三類,學術性課程...