
Showing posts from November, 2009

Tenfu Tea Museum 天福茶博物院

Tenfu Tea Museum天福茶博物院 Tenfu Tea Museum was constructed at the beginning of 2000, finished all facilities at 2002. The completed Tenfu Tea Museum encompass a total area of 13 acres, it is the largest Tea Museum in the world now.Tenfu Tea Museum has five leading presentation facilities: ( 1 ) Main Exhibition Hall: mainly focus on historical documentary of tea events and national tea productions. ( 2 )Chinese Tea Art Classroom: the first floor of this facility contains professional tea art performance and a Tea Tasting Pavilion surround with moderate tea aroma. On the second floor, it has a International Conference Room with up-to-date equipments. ( 3 ) Japanese Tea House ( Fu Hui An ): it is an imitation of Japanese style teahouse with three different design of tearooms representing different historical time in Japan. ( 4 ) Adopting the traditional style of tea house in South Korean, South Korean Tea House is built with fir. ( 5 ) Tenfu Calligraphy and Chinese Painting Hall: this ...


茶中見人心 「 四序茶會」宏揚中華茶藝 額外連結 【大紀元 11 月 9 日訊】 (大紀元記者王靜紐約報導) 2009.11.09 13:03:56 pm 紐約文化沙龍會長劉愛倫(左三)、天仁茗茶董事長李明星(左四)、天仁茶藝文化基金會秘書長蔡榮章(左五) (王靜/大紀元攝影者) 為宏揚中華茶藝,介紹茶道文化,紐約文化沙龍主辦的「四序茶會」昨天(11月8日)下午在法拉盛喜來登大酒店舉辦活動,台灣茶博士蔡榮章先生受邀作題為「茶道的精神與內涵作用」的演講, 並由台灣數位茶人現場展示茶藝。 容納400人的會場座無虛席,會場右側懸掛著巨幅王羲之的「蘭亭序」書畫;前台正中是由繪有四季花草樹木作背景的「春、夏、秋、冬」四個大字;而中間則擺放四張桌子,上面擺放著代表四季的茶具和茶。在幽雅的音樂聲中,四位茶人通過焚香、插花、製茶、品茶的程序展示茶道。 蔡榮章先生從事茶藝專業有30年的時間,據他介紹,茶道有助於促進人倫的關係,在泡茶、喝茶和奉茶的過程中達到修養的高境界。 蔡榮章先生提到不同的場合,茶道表演的茶具選擇也不一樣﹕在結婚的典禮上,適合選用彩色的茶具,以表現熱鬧的氣氛﹔而在朋友告別的時候,應選用顏色暗沈的紫砂壺。 在茶藝的演示中,泡茶的時間掌握很重要,精確到用秒計算。稍微的差別就會使泡茶的濃淡不一樣。所以學習茶藝必須有嚴謹敬重之心,不然就不能昇華到高層的藝術境界。 中國在唐朝就有陸羽的茶經,在李白、杜甫等詩人的作品中,都能找到文人品茶的字句。但是在近代,日本把茶道發揚光大,400年間出來幾位大師級的人物,建立了嚴謹的理論體系,從而在國際上成為茶道的代表。 對於現代忙碌的工作人士,沒有時間享受茶道。蔡榮章先生建議控制茶葉的用量入手,一般採用茶葉用量(克)約等於開水體積(cc)乘以1.5%。用開水沖入後,過10分鐘飲用,濃度和溫度恰好。 ( )

Flushing ceremony reveals China’s tea legacy


四序茶會 Four Season Tea Ceremony

===== 紐約四序茶會表演用語英譯 New York Four Season Tea Ceremony Performance, English Translation “Four Season Tea Ceremony” written by/作者 Steven R. Jones Taipei, Jun. 2005 (revised 12 Oct. 05) (revised 8 Nov. 09) photos 照片 Based on the five Chinese elements and the five colors associated with them. Also each of four tea masters or tea breares are that are linked in sequence according to the season assigned. The Chinese term "四序茶會" has two parts, the last part "茶會", means Tea Ceremony, the first part "四序", means four sequences or four steps that are linked together. Each represents a season of the year and one of the "五行" five phases or elements and also a color, the element "earth" is represented in the center of the ceremony along with incense burners and flowers. Each one of the tea brewers with a tea corresponding to a seasons revolving around this center “earth” or ”"heaven and earth", with no end or beginning, therefore the Tea Cere...


2009年10月起,Steven老師擔任08級茶文化系的專業英語課程。 、各班總授時34節,一周四節專業英語,其中又分成2節大班和2節小班。上大班時,Steven老師教授大家新的單詞,上小班時,Steven老師會讓我們進行口試練習,讓每個同學都有機會上台演講,豐富茶文化專業英語口語技巧。 steven老師 課間,Steven老師用他詼諧幽默的話語讓大家記住許多茶文化知識,拓展了同學們的眼界。 他總是用俏皮的身體語言,將我們逗笑,讓我們茶文化系的每一個同學都喜歡他,都沉醉在他的課堂中。 茶文化系團委學生會 楊蘊怡,魏虹燕(報導) 2009年11月1日

中英文"茶学术语" Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology 2009

中英文"茶学术语" Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology 《中英文"茶學術語"》( 天福茶學院,2009,控制號:zyk0030030 ) “Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology”, (2009),Tenfu Tea College, Ctrl No: zyk0030030 蔡荣章*琼斯史迪芬 编译 Tsai, Rong-Tsang and Steven R. Jones, Translators and Editors (Sep. 22, 2009) 目录Table of Contents 第一章 茶树裁培、采青、初制 Chapter One Tea Cultivation, Tea Harvesting, and Tea Primary Processing 第二章 茶叶精制、加工、包装 Chapter Two Tea Refining, Added Processing, and Packaging 第三章 茶之分类与识别 Chapter Three Classification and Recognition of Tea 第四章 泡茶原理 Chapter Four Tea Brewing Principles 第五章 十大泡茶法 Chapter Five The Ten Tea Methods 第六章 陶瓷艺术 Chapter Six Ceramics 第七章 茶具名称与功能 Chapter Seven Kinds of Tea Ware and Functionality 第八章 茶会 Chapter Eight Tea Functions 第九章 中国茶史 Chapter Nine Chinese Tea History 第十章 日韩英茶文化 Chapter Ten Japanese, Korean, and British Tea Culture 第十一章 茶诗与健康 Chapter Eleven Tea Poetry and Health 第十二章 茶学综论 Chapter Twelve Tea Studies Review