四序茶會 Four Season Tea Ceremony
New York Four Season Tea Ceremony Performance, English Translation
“Four Season Tea Ceremony”
written by/作者 Steven R. Jones
Taipei, Jun. 2005 (revised 12 Oct. 05) (revised 8 Nov. 09)
photos 照片
Based on the five Chinese elements and the five colors associated with them. Also each of four tea masters or tea breares are that are linked in sequence according to the season assigned. The Chinese term "四序茶會" has two parts, the last part "茶會", means Tea Ceremony, the first part "四序", means four sequences or four steps that are linked together. Each represents a season of the year and one of the "五行" five phases or elements and also a color, the element "earth" is represented in the center of the ceremony along with incense burners and flowers. Each one of the tea brewers with a tea corresponding to a seasons revolving around this center “earth” or ”"heaven and earth", with no end or beginning, therefore the Tea Ceremony is perennial. The “Five Chinese Elements” (Chinese: 五行WuXing, Jap: Gogyou), are like the “Western Four Elements” in many ways, though consisting of five elements rather than four. The five elements are: 木 wood, 火 fire, 土 earth, 金 metal, and 水 water. A Red
Chinese --- "四序茶會" English -- “Four Season Tea Ceremony” is a Tea Ceremony of
the cultivation of man with nature and harmony , 四序 -four sequences,
perennial, lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal; "perennial
happiness" 四 -four, 4 序 -preface: initial: order: sequence: foreword:
茶會 –tea ceremony 四季 -four season
財團法人 天仁茶藝文化基金會 秘書長 林易山先生所創制的「四序茶會」
Ten Ren Tea Arts and Culture Foundation, Group, Co., LTD, Taiwan,
Former Secretary-General, Lin Easu, and Founder of "Four Season or Perennial Tea Ceremony"
The five elements五元素, 五行,
司儀解說:司花/flower bearer:司香incense bearer:司茶tea bearer:
春夏秋冬/four seasons
金 metal 西 west 白 white 秋 autumn
木 wood 東 east 青 green 春 spring
水 water 北 north 黑 black 冬 winter
火 fire 南 south 赤 red 夏 summer
土 earth 中 center 黃 yellow 天地 heaven/up and earth/down
There are spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea.
The tea ceremony includes four themes:
春風(Spring Breeze),夏露(Summer Dew), 秋籟(Fall Sounds), and冬
陽(Winter Sun).
Each tea setting (茶席) and tea bearer (司茶) represents the six directions
(east, south, west,north, up/heaven, and down/earth). The different seasonal flowers are put on each
tea setting table. Six chairs are arranged to be put between the
tea feasts, making the circular formation which symbolizes the 24 solar
terms and represents that nature is perinnial.
Each tea master is in charge of making the season tea.
Spring tea is refreshing and vigorous.
Summer tea tastes strong and passionate.
Autumn tea brings a feeling of little desolation but still charm.
Winter tea, mainly black tea, represents the quiet land in winter.
Four Season Tea Ceremony at New York on Nov. 8, 2009.
由紐約文化沙龍為推廣品茗文化,將在11月8日假法拉盛喜來登大飯店舉行四序茶會,包括主辦、協辦單位以及社區人士30日呼籲民眾屆時踴躍參加。 記者傅家槿∕攝影slideshow
紐約文化沙龍8日舉辦「四序茶會」,會長劉艾倫(後排右一)邀請24位嘉賓品茗。 記者許振輝∕攝影
主辦單位還邀請了各界24位嘉賓品茶,代表一年的24個節氣,嘉賓包括駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處處長高振群、紐約華僑文教服務中心主任呂元榮、州參議員史塔文斯基(Toby Stavisky)、州眾議員孟昭文、世界日報副董事長馬克任和北美世界日報執行董事李德怡,以及難得露面的名導演李安的太太林惠嘉。
New York Four Season Tea Ceremony Performance, English Translation
“Four Season Tea Ceremony”
written by/作者 Steven R. Jones
Taipei, Jun. 2005 (revised 12 Oct. 05) (revised 8 Nov. 09)
photos 照片
Based on the five Chinese elements and the five colors associated with them. Also each of four tea masters or tea breares are that are linked in sequence according to the season assigned. The Chinese term "四序茶會" has two parts, the last part "茶會", means Tea Ceremony, the first part "四序", means four sequences or four steps that are linked together. Each represents a season of the year and one of the "五行" five phases or elements and also a color, the element "earth" is represented in the center of the ceremony along with incense burners and flowers. Each one of the tea brewers with a tea corresponding to a seasons revolving around this center “earth” or ”"heaven and earth", with no end or beginning, therefore the Tea Ceremony is perennial. The “Five Chinese Elements” (Chinese: 五行WuXing, Jap: Gogyou), are like the “Western Four Elements” in many ways, though consisting of five elements rather than four. The five elements are: 木 wood, 火 fire, 土 earth, 金 metal, and 水 water. A Red
Chinese --- "四序茶會" English -- “Four Season Tea Ceremony” is a Tea Ceremony of
the cultivation of man with nature and harmony , 四序 -four sequences,
perennial, lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal; "perennial
happiness" 四 -four, 4 序 -preface: initial: order: sequence: foreword:
茶會 –tea ceremony 四季 -four season
財團法人 天仁茶藝文化基金會 秘書長 林易山先生所創制的「四序茶會」
Ten Ren Tea Arts and Culture Foundation, Group, Co., LTD, Taiwan,
Former Secretary-General, Lin Easu, and Founder of "Four Season or Perennial Tea Ceremony"
The five elements五元素, 五行,
司儀解說:司花/flower bearer:司香incense bearer:司茶tea bearer:
春夏秋冬/four seasons
金 metal 西 west 白 white 秋 autumn
木 wood 東 east 青 green 春 spring
水 water 北 north 黑 black 冬 winter
火 fire 南 south 赤 red 夏 summer
土 earth 中 center 黃 yellow 天地 heaven/up and earth/down
There are spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea.
The tea ceremony includes four themes:
春風(Spring Breeze),夏露(Summer Dew), 秋籟(Fall Sounds), and冬
陽(Winter Sun).
Each tea setting (茶席) and tea bearer (司茶) represents the six directions
(east, south, west,north, up/heaven, and down/earth). The different seasonal flowers are put on each
tea setting table. Six chairs are arranged to be put between the
tea feasts, making the circular formation which symbolizes the 24 solar
terms and represents that nature is perinnial.
Each tea master is in charge of making the season tea.
Spring tea is refreshing and vigorous.
Summer tea tastes strong and passionate.
Autumn tea brings a feeling of little desolation but still charm.
Winter tea, mainly black tea, represents the quiet land in winter.
Four Season Tea Ceremony at New York on Nov. 8, 2009.
由紐約文化沙龍為推廣品茗文化,將在11月8日假法拉盛喜來登大飯店舉行四序茶會,包括主辦、協辦單位以及社區人士30日呼籲民眾屆時踴躍參加。 記者傅家槿∕攝影slideshow
紐約文化沙龍8日舉辦「四序茶會」,會長劉艾倫(後排右一)邀請24位嘉賓品茗。 記者許振輝∕攝影
主辦單位還邀請了各界24位嘉賓品茶,代表一年的24個節氣,嘉賓包括駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處處長高振群、紐約華僑文教服務中心主任呂元榮、州參議員史塔文斯基(Toby Stavisky)、州眾議員孟昭文、世界日報副董事長馬克任和北美世界日報執行董事李德怡,以及難得露面的名導演李安的太太林惠嘉。