
Showing posts from August, 2010

第十一三屆 2011夏天,台北市13th International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, Taipei, Taiwan, Summer 2011

13th International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony,  Taipei, Taiwan, Summer 2011 第十一三屆 2011夏天 台北市 International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Chronicle ( 歷屆國際無我茶會舉辦日期與地點 )   Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony 1. “Wu-Wo” is a style of tea ceremony. People bring simple tea ware and enjoy tea together in a circle. When there are many people, we can make two or more circles. 2. Seats are determined by drawing lots, to see who will sit next to each other and who will serve tea to one another, no one knows before. There will be no class distinction and everybody just accommodates oneself to the circumstances. 3. After setting up the tea ware, we can appreciate other’s tea ware, and get to know one another. This session is called “tea ware appreciation and friendship time”. 4. When it’s “brewing time”, everybody goes back to their seats to make tea. There is no director at a Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony; everything is based on the “public announcement”. The aim of this is to develop participants to follow some conventi...

慈濟Tzu Chi Glossary

慈濟Tzu Chi Glossary 靜思茶道 Jing Si Tea Ceremony (Still Thought Tea Ceremony) 慈濟大學茶道社 Tzu Chi University Tea Ceremony Club 英文字彙中文字彙 5-part plan (relief goods distributions, free clinics, temporary shelters, permanent housing, job programs) 五管齊下(物資發放、義診、安心、安身、 安生) 9/11 American Crisis 九一一 9/21 Quake of Taiwan 九二一 a Buddha's mind 佛心 a commissioner in training; commissioner trainee 培訓委員 a dragon holding a pearl in the mouth, a phoenix drinking water (refers to the posture when one holds his/her bowls and chopsticks properly and elegantly) 龍口含珠,鳳頭飲水 a guide and mentor for humanity 人間導師 A heart brings blessings; a will brings strength. 有心有福 有願有力 a humane doctor 人醫 a place of cultivation for living Bodhisattvas 人間菩薩道場 a practical and positive path 務實、踏實的康莊大道 A single good deed can counteract a thousand 一善破千災 A single good thought each day 每日一善念 A Twinkling Instance is Eternity, A Split of a Second is Eternal 剎那即永恆 abandoning, renounce,...

台北市士林社區大學茶藝社八月份活動通知 (tea trip -august)

士林社區大學茶道藝術社 台北市士林社區大學茶藝社八月份活動通知 * 活動內容 : 採茶、製茶、體驗,茶點DIY,參觀北回歸線與千年石柱,     評賞在地特色茶,沱茶製造,評茶,無我茶會 等活動。 * 活動時間 : 99年8月21~22 * 活動地點 : 花蓮縣瑞穗鄉 * 活動行程 : * 以茶會友 天長地久 *  社長 陳德福 敬邀 The tea we made was fancy black tea, in Chinese the translation is " 蜜香 literally honey scent or fragrance" black tea. There are a few teas with a honey fragrance character that are naturally sweet and do not have any honey added, while fancy teas have their own unique primary processing there is something special that happens naturally before the processing, the tender tea leaves while still growing are visited by the tea leafhoppers and they suck a small amount of the tea leaf juices which causes the leaf to oxidize some and turn sweet, this happens to traditional white tip oolong(oriental beauty), and the newer  fancy black tea, fancy green tea, and fancy oolong tea. 照片photos

Ten Famous Teas

Ten Famous Teas Taiwan's Famous Teas (台灣名茶) also called The Ten Famous Taiwanese Teas (台灣十大名茶) is a list of the ten most notable Taiwanese Teas. Tea Name and tea type: 凍頂茶 Dongding tea; oolong 文山包種茶 Wen Mountain (Wenshan) Pouchong tea or Light oolong; oolong 東方美人茶 Oriental Beauty or White Tip Oolong; oolong 松柏長青茶 Light Oolong or Ching tea; oolong 阿里山珠露茶 Ali Mountain oolong; oolong 台灣高山茶 Taiwan Alpine (High Mountain Oolong); oolong 日月潭紅茶 Sun Moon Lake Black; black tea 木柵鐵觀音 Mucha Iron Goddess; oolong 三峽龍井茶 Sanshia Dragon Well; green tea 龍泉茶 Longquan Tea; oolong Major tea growing areas: Northern Taiwan: Includes Hsindian, Pinglin, Mucha, Shenkeng, Shidian, Sanhsia, Nangang, and Ilan. Mid-central Area: Includes Miaoli, and Hsinchu. Eastern Taiwan: Includes Taitung, and Hualian. South-central Taiwan: Includes Nantou, Pingtung Chiayi, Taichung, and Yunlin. High Mountain Regions: Includes Alishan, Yu Shan, Hsueh Shan, and Taitung mountain ranges.  = ...

Lu Yu's Tea Brazier 陸羽風爐組 陸羽風爐組 產品編號:H91A 放大圖 產品名稱:陸羽風爐組 新品推薦:陸羽茶藝中心 02-23316636轉9 訂購數量: 詢價 產品說明 大陸地區請洽天福各門市查詢 英譯 / Steven R. Jones 陸羽風爐組 Lu Yu Tea Brazier 陸羽風爐形體是運用唐朝《陸羽茶經‧四之器》一篇描述的風爐形體, 結合現代茶道具功能而設計。 The style of LuYu tea brazier is based on the one which is described in “Lu Yu’s Tea Classic, in the fourth chapter Utensils” during the Tang Dynasty.Its design also combines the function of modern tea ware. 風爐象古鼎形,三足分別云:坎上巽下離於中(坎象徵水,巽象徵風,離象徵火。 那麼水在上面煮,風從底下送,而火在中間燃燒。這句是用來表示風爐的作用。); 體均五行去百疾(風爐煮出來的茶,是包含了金、木、水、火、土等的五種元素, 喝了以後,可使身體五行的循環均衡,百病不生);二○一○陸羽起造。 The brazier is shaped like an ancient Chinese three -footed cooking vessel; each foot has a Chinese character: “Kan on the top, Xun at the bottom,and Li in the center;” (“坎Kan,” “巽Xun,” and “離Li” are three signs of the 八卦Eight Trigrams. “Kan” symbolizes Water; “Xun” symbolizes Wind, and “Li” symbolizes Fire. Theref...

planning Tea Appreciation Day (2011)

below  is a repost from (as of aug2010) Here. >>> 07.02.10 Tea Appreciation Day posted by Dianna Harbin | I have come up with a concept. It isn’t unique or even entirely original, but it is certainly bold. And why not be bold? Don’t a lot of great things happen that way? I’ve decided to promote an annual worldwide event to honor Camellia sinensis and all those who work so hard to bring this versatile, labor-intensive wonder to our tables and to our awareness. The first event will be May 8, 2011. This post is about the process of “creating” this special day. For a little over a year, I have been organizing face-to-face tea group activities in San Diego. I recently started tea activities in San Francisco. I plan to start in the greater Los Angeles area this summer. The groups all have the same basic mission - to create community through tea, to help people learn about tea, and to support tea businesses, especially the local ones. An unspoken mission is to promot...

Building the Tea Bridge

Thanks to the efforts of  Devan and Reena Shah owners of Chado Tea Rooms.  The grand opening of the Chado of Hollywood had a tea tasting lead by guest speaker James Norwood Pratt, and excellent tea, light and delicious tea foods, and of course tea friends and atmosphere.  The cups are small which allows one to try many teas.  It is clear that we are building the tea bridge; Mr. Pratt has a new book out which is very important for the expansion of tea culture and the tearoom Chado with a clear and complete tea menu and having descriptions of all its teas laid out in detailed yet understandable terms makes drinking tea a learning workshop for beginners and pure enjoyment for connoisseurs. Going back in time just ten years ago, this would have never been possible or thought of, talking about Puer teas, and yellow teas, and such. All of us in the tea community have a responsibility of sharing our knowledge, simple as it might be; even just sharing a cup of tea with ...