
Showing posts from May, 2012

2012 茶文化模擬展銷會&第一屆鳳凰舞夏無我茶會2012 Tea Culture and Tea Trial Marketing Exhibition & First Phoenix Summer Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

Today’s event at was a wonderful exchange of English/Chinese we had people from Lithuania, Canada, Australia, America, and of course Taiwan. Many of the tea sites had a mixture of Japanese, Chinese, and Taiwanese tea ware.   Our foreign friends (non-Taiwanese) were tea site judges, including the tea master’s English ability. 2012 茶文化模擬展銷會&第一屆鳳凰舞夏無我茶會 2012.6.08 Tea Culture and Tea Trial Marketing Exhibition & First Phoenix Summer Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony,r11-1.php 大同技術學院, 茶文化與事業經營學位學程( 系) Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology, Tea Culture and Department of Business Management June 8, 2012, at 9:50 am~ 12:10 pm 2012年6月8日,9:50〜12:10下午 Photos照片: 2012 茶文化模擬展銷會 2012 茶文化模擬展銷會  第一屆鳳凰舞夏無我茶會 2012 茶文化模擬展銷會 2012 茶文化模擬展銷會 2012 茶文化模擬展銷會 第一屆鳳凰舞夏無我茶會  第一屆鳳凰舞夏無我茶會 First Phoenix Summer Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Dear friends: In honor of the initial year of the Phoenix Summe...

卡提撒克股份有限公司 Cutty Sark Tea, English Tea Culture

Who would think in the middle of Taiwan we have traditional English tea time, tea is very popular in Asia, and learning other cultures is a growing trend.   Cutty Sark Tea has a wonderful teatime with atmosphere, service, and teas that will make you feel, somewhere back in time, when tea was of high social status.   卡提撒克股份有限公司 Cutty Sark Tea 營業時間:星期一至星期六 AM11:00~PM6:00 地址:台北市北投區行義路180巷5號 電話:(02)2875-3568 學苑專線:(02)2875-2306#31 Kelly老師(楊 玉琴) Photos: 英式紅茶文化 English Style Black Tea Culture 午茶起源於19世紀初期,貝德弗特(Bedford)公爵的第7位夫人安娜王妃 由於當時貴族和上流階級的晚餐通常開始於8點左右 忍耐不住空腹的夫人於是在午後傍晚之前,請僕人準備了紅茶和小點心充飢 結果她發現這樣的午茶安排非常輕鬆愜意,於是開始邀請朋友一起喝茶 品嚐小點共享午茶的樂趣,此舉一出蔚為風潮,名媛仕女趨之若鶩,悠然愜意的下午茶遂成為英國貴族的社交形式與時尚的象徵 卡提撒克號運茶船 (Cutty Sark Clipper Ship) 卡提撒克號 首航於1869年,是當時最快速的一艘帆船,載運過無數的中國茶到英國,代表著昔日運茶帆船史的黃金時代,它神聖莊嚴的英姿,依然留給世人無限的懷念。 純紅茶的沖泡方法(即清飲) 1. 將新鮮的水煮開。 如何擇水見《茶之沏泡——擇水篇》。 2. ...

2012 世界奉茶日 Tea Appreciation Day

Come see taiwanese tea culture. Free tea and fun, English and Chinese exchange. Tea Appreciation Day 2012 at Daan Park, Taipei, on May 26, Saturday at one pm (12 to 3pm). International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony 中華國際無我茶會 " 世界奉茶日來了 ~ 5月26日(六)中午12:00~15:00點 於台北市大安森林公園(理事長:王春樹) (靠建國南路), 邀請大家來喝茶..來看看台灣的茶文化 報到:12:30 開始泡茶:13:00 Photos照片 台北「2012年世界奉茶日」 會辦理 時 間:中華民國一○一年五月二十六日 (星期六)12:00~15:00 茶會活動地點:大安森林公園(信義路&建國南路出入口) 天 雨 地點:同上 茶會活動內容:1.無我茶會、茶具觀摩與聯誼 2.開始泡茶、品茗後活動、會後活動 主 辦 單 位:中華國際無我茶會推廣協會 (台北市衡陽路64號3樓) 協 辦 單 位:泡茶師聯會、陸羽茶藝中心等 參 加 人 員: 1.無我茶會之會員(親子)及眷屬。 2.本會邀請之貴賓。 3.約300人 聯絡召集人:王春樹(理事長) 、楊武東(副理事長) 李佩芳(秘書長) Tea Appreciation Day Written by Steven R. Jones Spring of 2005, Taipei Taiwan Spirit of offering to extend Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony originally came from a celebration on Mother's Day called “Family Tea Ceremony” (officially held around 500 people and thei...

dt DISCOVER TAIPEI 發現台北: Introducing Westerners to the Art of Tea

dt DISCOVER TAIPEI 發現台北 2012 年 5.6 月份 Discover Taipei Bimonthly Issue 89 May - June 2012; DTB 89; (p.44-45) Source: Department of Information and Tourism Steven Jones: Introducing Westerners to the Art of Tea Place of Origin: U.S.A. Living in Taiwan 21 years . Tea Master Certification ( 泡茶師檢定合格證書 ) from Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute and Tea Ceremony Teacher Certification ( 茶道老師證書 ) from International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association ( 中華國際無我茶會推廣協會 ) . Co-author, Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology . Tea ceremony instructor, with lessons each Fri 19:00-21:00 at Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute and each Tues 09:00-11:00 at Ankang Senior Center ( 安康安養中心 ) in Muzha Blog: Many foreign visitos or residents of Taiwan enjoy drinking good gongfu tea ( 功夫茶 ), but those who have mastered the art of brewing it are rare. On Taipei's Hengya...