中文--- "四序茶會" 英文 -- “Perennial Tea Ceremony”

Group, Co., LTD
Ten Ren Teaism Foundation
Secretary-General, Founder Lin Easu of, "Perennial Tea Ceremony"
老師: 劉淑娟
Instructor: Janace


Ten Ren Teaism Foundation Secretary-General, Founder Lin Easu of, "Perennial Tea Ceremony" is based on the five elements and the five colors associated with them. With eternal continuity, perfect harmony, rhythm and vitality of nature. Also promotes cultivation of love and respect for nature. Each of four tea brewers are that are linked in sequence according to the season assigned. The Chinese term "四序茶會" has two parts, the last part "茶會", means Tea Ceremony, the first part "四序", means four steps or sequences that are linked together. Each one represent a season of the year and one of the "五" five elements and also a color, the element "earth" is represented in the center of the ceremony along with incense burners and flowers. Each one of the tea brewers with a tea corresponding to a seasons moving around this center ??earth??, with no end or beginning, therefore the Tea Ceremony is 四序 Perennial. Gogyou(五行), in Chinese it's `WuXing' and they are like the elements of European Alchemy, though it has five elements rather than four. The five elements are: 木 wood, 火 fire, 土 earth, 金 metal, and 水 water.
The five elements五元素, 五行,
金 metal 西 west 白 white 秋 fall / autumn
木 wood 東 east 青 green 春 spring
水 water 北 north 黑 black 冬 winter
火 fire 南 south 赤 red 夏 summer
土 earth 中 center 黃 yellow @

written by Steven R. Jones
oct. 2005 (revised 12 oct. 05)

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Perennial Tea Ceremony

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