世界奉茶日 Tea Appreciation Day, Taipei
2012 世界奉茶日 Tea Appreciation Day, Taipei
Come see taiwanese tea culture. Free tea and fun, English and Chinese exchange.
Tea Appreciation Day 2012 at Daan Park, Taipei, on May 26, Saturday at one pm (12 to 3pm). International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony中華國際無我茶會 " 世界奉茶日來了 ~ 5月26日(六)中午12:00~15:00點 於台北市大安森林公園(理事長:王春樹) (靠建國南路), 邀請大家來喝茶..來看看台灣的茶文化
會辦理 時 間:中華民國一○一年五月二十六日
天 雨 地點:同上
主 辦 單 位:中華國際無我茶會推廣協會
協 辦 單 位:泡茶師聯會、陸羽茶藝中心等
參 加 人 員: 1.無我茶會之會員(親子)及眷屬。
聯絡召集人:王春樹(理事長) 、楊武東(副理事長)
Tea Appreciation Day
Written by Steven R. Jones
Spring of 2005, Taipei Taiwan
Spirit of offering to extend Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony originally came from a celebration on Mother's Day called “Family Tea Ceremony” (officially held around 500 people and their Family Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony which began May 12, 1991 at Taipei Music Hall Square, has had 14 years of history), and now has expanded for all people, It is held one day during the first weekend of May (or close to it) every year from 2005. People and organizations can gather together to make and serve tea with the attending individuals and passing strangers alike. This activity is healthy, and now in 2005 the universal activity peacefully chooses the name "Tea Appreciation Day". Any person of: an organization, a group, an association, a family, a community, a school, can organize, and unite on this day with individual, at some pre-planned place like perhaps in a public square, and conduct any kind of tea party for the invited people, and even the strangers which might pass by. The activity could even include, lectures or the conversation, and its content should include tea culture related curriculum. Activity leaders must follow local laws and regulations. There is no need to register with any organization (including The International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association), Any written material or announcements including a bulletin board, is just for conveying and promoting the association for people to enter or be informed. In order to promote The International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association, the Association will print a poster every year to make public. If any organization or individual would like a poster they must make a request from The International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association.
1. 主旨:奉一杯茶給親人、朋友及陌生的人,增進社會祥和之氣。這是茶文化很重要的一項內涵與作為,我們以每年一個全民「奉茶日」來發揚光大之。
2. 時間:每年五月的第一個週末,從週末前後延伸的一個星期。
3. 方式:有志於此項活動的單位或個人,以自己認為最適當的方式,舉辦一次茶會,奉茶給參觀的人、應邀與會的人、或是您的鄰居、親友。
4. 話題:活動期間談論的主題僅限與茶直接有關的事物。如對茶的認識、泡法、茶器、茶史、茶藝、茶道理念、茶與健康等。
5. 聯絡方法:所有舉辦奉茶日活動的單位或個人即是此項活動的聯絡、諮詢對象,有志於此項活動,並擬公開舉辦者,得透過任何方式將奉茶時間、地點、方式公告之。
6. 擬舉辦之單位或個人:(大家相約舉辦,登記僅為顯示推廣狀況,非屬必要。)
Poster reads:
All over the world every year, the first weekend or close to it in May places are chosen to celebrate Tea Appreciation Day. People gather together to make and serve tea with close relatives, friends, and strangers alike.
Please contact:
International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association
3F, #64, Heng-Yang Rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan, 10003
Tel: +886-2-2331-6636
FAX: +886-2-2331-0660
(spring 2005, revised May 2009 added Chinese)
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中華國際無我茶會推廣協會活動通知,2011世界奉茶日、於4月30日 (15:00~17:00 ) 在國父紀念館舉行。
International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association activities: 2011 Tea Appreciation Day, April 30, (3-5pm)at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.
National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Address: No.505, Sec.4, Ren-ai Rd., Taipei, 110
Tel:886-02-27588008 Fax:886-02-27584847
(2011) (
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2010 Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』
5/09/2010 下午3:00-5:00
International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association held the annual Tea Appreciation Day at the east and west side square of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, on May 9, 2010, lots of brewing tea and serving many happy spectators. It almost rained but as usual we had a great day.
photos 照片

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The Chairperson Ms. Chen Yi-Han (陳依涵) of the International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association held the annual Tea Appreciation Day at the east and west side square of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, on May 3, 2008, Saturday, with around 4oo people brewing tea and they also served many happy spectators. It was a beautiful sunny day; but it was hot so I think everyone enjoyed the refreshing tea.
5/03(六) 下午3:00-5:00
茶會方式-無我茶會, 人數-400