
Showing posts from 2007

十二月 12/1(六) 每月第一週末專題講座

無我茶會每月茶藝講座 、12月1日(星期六上午十時~十二時)特邀Steven R. Jones( 瓊斯史迪芬 )為大家來談(參加國際無我茶會的英語, 西方人文化(Attending an International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and English))理事長陳依涵敬邀。 (tel 02.2331.6636, ext 9). In Taipei Subject: Attending an International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, English, and Western Culture Lecturer: Steven R. Jones ( 瓊斯史迪芬 ) at Taipei Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute on Dec. 1, 2007 (Sat) 10am-12pm, (2-hours) Arranged by Chairman Chen. Lecture/workshop will be in English and Chinese, to register call. Lu Yu Tea Culture Institute (tel 02.2331.6636, ext 9 3F, no. 64, Heng-Yang Road

Taiwan International Tea Expo 2007

Taiwan International Tea Expo 2007 Date: 2007/11/23 - 2007/11/26 Venue: Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 Organizer Taiwain Tea AssociationChan Chao International Co., Ltd. 2007 台灣國際茶業博覽會 Taiwan International Tea Expo 2007 展出時間: 2007/11/23 - 2007/11/26 展出地點:台北世界貿易中心展覽一館(台北市信義路五段五號) 展會介紹 1.各產茶區茶葉、茶食、茶點、茶罐裝飲料、茶葉禮盒2.茶具、茶壺、紫京雕塑、茶文化相關產品3.陶瓷藝品、石雕、木雕藝品、奇木、雅石4.紅木榢飾、傢俱及茶藝館用品、擺飾5.各縣、市農特產品6.茶與生活相關產品7.飲料、冰品系列8.糕餅烘焙系列

there will be a tea event in taipei, chinese below

泡 茶 師 聯 會 十 月 份 活 動 通 知 “茶館”,是一個最能體現常民文化的活動空間。 所以,這一次我們特別為您邀請到長期致力於茶藝文化推展的范增平老師,來和大家談談『茶藝與相關藝術的應用』;並很難得地,邀請到古篤民俗戲劇團,為您做最精湛、道地的演出。 絕對是今年最藝文、最輕鬆的場景氣氛,和您相約“王有記茶館”見! 時間:96年10月27日(六) 下午2:00 ~ 4:30 活動內容: 13:40~14:00 報到 14:05~15:25 『茶藝與相關藝術的應用』(范增平老師演講) 15:25~15:45 中場休息 15:45~16:25 民俗說唱藝術 (相聲、黃梅調、地方小曲、京劇等) 16:25~16:30 結語/活動結束 地點:王有記茶行 (台北市重慶北路2段64巷26號,電話:02-25559164) 費用:500元 報名熱線:陸羽茶藝中心(02)2331-6636(台北市衡陽路64號3樓) 會 長:徐維琳0918-632-566 ;副 會 長:陳萬清0915-283-928 秘書長:林淑珍0939-497-588 ;活動組長:李玉萍0963-397-821 叮嚀事項: 1. 請帶著愉悅的心情前來。 2. 現場備有蓋碗、茶點招待 (蓋碗在會後贈予與會來賓) 3. 交通:公車206、9、704(延平二站);306、288(副)、636、639、46、215、304、 518、601、302、223(民生重慶路口,朝陽公園站);捷運中山站2號出 口轉306、288(副)、636、639、46;捷運雙連站2號出口轉518。 泡茶師聯會會長 徐維琳 敬邀

Essay and 中文-English speech at Ten Fu College

天福茶学院 九月份 2007年 (Tenfu Tea College) Sep 2007 Published Speech, “Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony as a Practical Way to Learn Tea Brewing”Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, Sep 2007演講是 (無我茶會是學習泡茶的好途徑) 九月份 2007年 Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony as a Practical Way to Learn Tea Brewing ( 無我茶會是學習泡茶的好途徑 ) author and speaker by: Steven R. Jones (作者: 瓊斯史迪芬), August 11,2007 (Published 2007) translation by ( 翻譯者 ) Chang Li-Hsiang ( 張麗香 ) 。Tu, Kuo-Juey ( 涂國瑞 ) 演講者、中文:Lin Yu-Ching(林雨青) ' 各位女士、先生大家好: 首先,感謝天福茶學院給我這個機會發言,創辦人李總裁瑞河先生(Lee Rie-ho) 在這裡實現了他畢生的願望,我真正相信什麼是成果,希望我能有所幫忙,無論如何我期望茶學院校運昌隆,我還要感謝地方社會人士和天福集團,與天仁集團是發展這所學校關鍵之角色。當然,茶文化系系主任,蔡榮章教授 (Tsai, Rong-Tsang ), 也給予許多的協助。 我的講題是 [ 無我茶會是學習泡茶的好途徑 ],我記得第一次我和太太要去參加一個大型茶會我們要泡茶和奉茶,我毫無準備所以在無我茶會太太示範最基本的泡法給我看,之後她買一組簡便茶具,一星期後我們去了我感到非常驚訝,參加者他們來自不同國家和團體,圍繞成圈圈約三圈或四圈,令我感到非常激動和滿意的是竟然自己做得也很好,後來有一天,我告訴朋友他們,我曾去一個大型茶會有很多人來自不同國家,我朋友說:“ 茶會 ? ” 這不僅僅是一個茶會,它是第六屈國際無我茶會,在台北舉行,那樣的體驗之後我時常喝茶更專注於茶的事情。 想到喝茶一詞,腦裡便會浮現很多事情,冬天時奶奶的茶是乘熱而飲,在全家笑談之間,或者優雅正式的英國茶會上,呈現莊嚴歡欣景象。但是,當我們想到茶會或大型茶會要泡一壺好茶,並觀看茶會主人那優美熟練的動作,使我們...

"The Book of Korean Tea",fresh new book

The Book of Korean Tea A Guide to the History, Culture and Philosophy of Korean Tea and The Tea Ceremony" is a pioneering and excellent cultural guide about Korea, Korean tea and Korean tea ceremonies. The history, culture, philosophy, tea and tea ceremony are marvelously woven together to capture the true spirit of the Korean tea culture. This book details the origin and development of the Korean tea culture by referencing historical archives and documents such as the History of the Three Kingdoms, the Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms, and the Official History of the Goryeo Dynasty. For tea enthusiasts around the world, this book features more than eighty pictures and photos of ancient Korean art works and tea utensils, which visually and authentically capture and represent the beauty, sophistication and spirit of Korea s tea culture and history. Elaborate procedures and sophistication of Korean tea ceremony are illustrated, and the influences of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianis...

十大茶法-----The Ten Tea Methods

十大茶法 The Ten Tea Methods ( 中文 ) - ( 英文 ) 小壺茶法 - Small Pot Tea Method 蓋碗茶法 - Cover Bowl Tea Method 抹茶法 - Whisking(Fine powder) Tea Method 含葉茶法 - Nonstrained Tea Method 大桶茶法 - Large Capacity Tea Method 濃縮茶法 - Concentrated Tea Method 旅行茶法 - Travel Tea Method 煮茶法 - Boiling Tea Method 冷泡茶法 - Cold Brewing Tea Method 泡沫茶法 -Foam Tea Method NOTE: 第11屆Korea際無我茶會台灣團紀念特刊英文翻譯:11th Korea, International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony,Taiwan Group Special Edition, will demonstrate several methods for making liquid tea. (we only demonstated 7 tea methods) Steven R. Jones (10/05/07, revised 4/10/09)

International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony kicks off in Korea Date: October 10, 2007 International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, one of the world's most renowned international tea ceremonies, will take place from later this week in Korea with over 1,000 member participants from 11 countries, organizers said Wednesday (Oct. 10). The ceremony, which originated in Taiwan and is marking its 11th this year, will officially begin on Saturday at the Won-Buddhist Headquarters in Iksan, North Jeolla Province, On Friday evening, participants will attend a welcoming dinner with the Mayor of Iksan City at a Seoul hotel. Following the ceremony in Iksan, participants will move to Seoul to attend a final ceremony at the Changgyeong Palace Sunday. More than 200 people from 10 countries, including China, Japan, the U.S., Italy and Malaysia, will join over 1,000 tea-loving people from Korea in the event. Wu-Wo literally means "void or absolute emptiness of self" and serves as the cornerstone of the Wu-W...

天福茶学院 九月份 2007年 (Tenfu Tea College) Sep 2007

Speech, “Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony as a Practical Way to Learn Tea Brewing” Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, Sep 2007 演講是 (無我茶會是學習泡茶的好途徑) 九月份 2007年 by Steven R. Jones (作者: 瓊斯史迪芬), written, August 11, 2007 translation by (翻譯者) Chang Li-Hsiang ( 張麗香 ) 。Tu, Kuo-Juey ( 涂國瑞 )


2007年中華國際無我茶會推廣協會活動計劃表 一 月 1/6(六) 會員大會-台北劍潭青年活動中心 二 月 2/3(六) 每月第一週末專題講座:煎茶道、賣茶真流介紹 主講人:三昧茶道教室主任老師 柯燕燕 三 月 3/24(六) 第七屆第二次理、監事聯席會 3/25(日) 春序茶會─台北植物園百人無我茶會 四 月 4/7(六) 每月第一週末專題講座:進入玫瑰人生 主講人:雲山茶葉公司總經理 吳芳洲 五 月 5/6(日) 2007年「世界奉茶日」-國父紀念館、中山公園二百人無我茶會 六 月 6/2(六) 每月第一週末專題講座:美姿美儀PART2 主講人:無我茶會公關 胡妮芸老師 七 月 7/7(六) 每月第一週末專題講座 7/14(六) 第七屆第三次理、監事聯席會 八 月 8/4(六) 每月第一週末專題講座:竹雕工藝賞析 主講人:泡茶師聯會前會長 楊武東 8/11(六) 第十一屆無我茶會指導老師研習營 九 月 9/15-22 天福茶學院開幕與九寨溝之旅 9/29(六) 中秋夜晚無我茶會 十 月 10/6(六) 第七屆第四次理監事聯席會 10/17(三) 第十一屆韓國國際無我茶會 十一月 11/3(六) 每月第一週末專題講座 11/3(六) 茶與生活展活動 十二月 12/1(六) 每月第一週末專題講座

颱風!!!!! 臺北陸羽茶藝中心沒有上課 9月18日2007年

颱風!!!!! 臺北陸羽茶藝中心沒有上課 9月18日2007年 (Typhoon, Taipei Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute will not have class on Sep. 18.)

無我茶會特殊做法及其七大精神 The special way of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and its Seven Principles

無我茶會特殊做法及其七大精神 The special way of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and its Seven Principles Originally written in Chinese by the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony founder Prof. Tsai, Rong-Tsang (教授蔡榮章), and translated in English by Steven R. Jones (瓊斯史迪芬). 2006 1. 座位由抽籤決定──無尊卑之分 Seating arrangement is chosen randomly. --- No priority to seats, no matter of social status. 2. 依同一方向奉茶──無報償之心 Serve tea in the same direction. --- No reward is expected. 3. 接納、欣賞各種茶──無好惡之心 Accept and appreciate different teas. --- No bias. 4. 努力把茶泡好──求精進之心 Brew the best you can. --- Concentrate and improve. 5. 無須指揮與司儀──遵守公共約定 No director. --- Everyone follows the public announcement. 6. 泡茶席間不語──培養默契,體現團體律動之美 Remain silent during brewing. --- To cooperate and appear in group rhythm and harmony. 7. 泡茶方式不拘──無流派與地域之分 Not confined to any tea brewing manner. --- No distinction of school or region.

International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Chronicle ( 歷屆國際無我茶會舉辦日期與地點 )

第一屆 1990.12.18 台北市 First conducted in Taipei, Taiwan on Dec. 18, 1990 第二屆 1991.10.17 福建省武夷山 2. Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, Oct. 17, 1991 第三屆 1992.11.09 日本京都 3. Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 09, 1992 第四屆 1993.10.13 韓國首爾 益山 4. Seoul and Iksan, Korea, Oct. 13, 1993 第五屆 1995.10.27 福建省武夷山 5. Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, Oct. 27, 1995 第六屆 1997.11.22 台北市 6. Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 22, 1997 第七屆 1999.10.16 浙江省杭州市 7. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Oct. 16, 1999 第八屆 2001.10.07 日本靜岡 8. Shizuoka, Japan, Oct. 07, 2001 第九屆 2003.08.23 新加坡 9. Singapore, Aug. 23, 2003 第十屆 2005.11.03 武夷山 10. Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Nov. 03, 2005 第十一屆 2007.10.12 韓國首爾 益山 11. Seoul and Iksan, Korea, Oct. 12, 2007 第十一二屆2009.10.16~19 美國舊金山舉行 12. San Francisco, America,Oct.16~19,2009 第十一三屆 2011.05.28~05.31 台北市, 日月潭 13. Taipei and Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, May 28~31, 2011 第十四屆 2013夏天 韓國 14. Korea, Summer 2013(scheduled) 第十五屆 2015夏天  杭州 15. Hangzhou, Summer 2015(scheduled) ---07/31/07 Steven R. Jones---- ( re...

International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

2007 11-12-07 第11屆Korea際無我茶會台灣團紀念特刊英文翻譯:11th Korea, International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony,Taiwan Group Special Edition 2005第十屆武夷山國際無我茶會台灣團紀念特刊英文翻譯:10th Wuyi Mountain International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony,Taiwan Group Special Edition

泡茶師聯會七月份活動通知 (Tea Master Guild Event, Taipei)

泡 茶 師 聯 會 七 月 份 活 動 通 知 茶學講座:『茶樹的誕生與傳播』 主講人:吳德亮 老師 是畫家,也是詩人;能寫歌,還懂譜曲;不只主持節目,更能做節目 企劃;收拾行囊,背起相機,搖身一變又活脫是個大冒險家,踏遍千山,譜出篇篇詳實而深具內涵的旅遊文學。這是詩人管管口中的「頑童」─吳德亮老師。 除此之外,吳德亮老師更是愛茶成癡,上山下海,不畏旅途艱辛。 為了找茶,走過八萬里路雲和月的吳德亮老師,這次可是為大家準備了豐富資料與考證文獻,精彩的演講內容、圖文並茂的視聽震撼,我們同時還特別邀請到李慧麗小姐作現場箏樂演奏,您絕不可錯過哦! 時間:96年7月21日(六)下午2:00 ~ 4:30 活動流程: 13:40~14:00 報到 14:00~14:15 古箏演奏 (演出曲目:1.茶山問情2.採茶撲蝶) 14:15~15:15 演講開始 15:15~15:30 中場休息 15:30~16:30 演講 16:30~16:35 結語/活動結束 地點:陸羽茶藝中心(台北市衡陽路64號3樓) 報名:陸羽茶藝中心(02)2331-6636(台北市衡陽路64號3樓) *請茶友自備品茗杯,並準時出席。 泡茶師聯會會長 徐維琳 敬邀

A true Renaissance man

My friend Dr. John T. Kirby, on the Internet know also as, Corax is a longtime aficionado of tea, and the editor of CHA DAO ( ), one of the 'go-to' resources for information online about the teas of Pacific Asia. Kirby is currently on research leave from Purdue University, where he is Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature. His publications include five books and numerous articles on a wide variety of topics in classical literature. A popular public speaker in the community, Kirby has also won the most prestigious teaching awards Purdue can bestow.

天福茶学院 Tenfu Tea College

Tenfu Tea College天福茶学院 The Tenfu Tea College is the world's first professional college based on the "Chinese Tea Industry, Science, and Technology". This will have a far reaching impact on cultural development. The college offers specialization in basic theory tea,and also an emphasis on improving of tea cultivation, processing, and production technologies. Also modern tea management techniques,improving of mechanization processes, tea and related product development, and marketing, will be part of the curriculum. Graduating students will have a solid theoretical foundation and practical expertise and to be able to apply them for many flexible applications. The College has five professional fields of study. History The college, endowed by the TenFu Group, opened in autumn 2007, with an enrollment of around 300 full-time students, while the long-term goalis reaching enrollment of around 3000 full-time students. Courses are taught in Chinese, but with a global pers...

another tea baby 又個茶嬰

This is a tea dance with music and words.(don't laugh too hard at me) It has four parts: born, young, old, death and reborn. We are just like teas. Teas are like us. This dance is a story of tea, people, and life. Another Tea Baby Born from the water, with five senses ready for the world; the world is big and chasing tea is bigger. Dancing in the fire, Tea is fun; playing Tea is wild. Walking together on air, yes together; Tea has become an old friend. Returning to the earth once again, so soon; yet Tea will be there for the next generations to come. Steven R. Jones 03/31/07 Taipei Revised 05/06/07 又個茶嬰 從水裡來,長成五官迎向世界; 世界之大,要追求的茶世界更大。 活蹦亂跳,茶事極為美妙; 泡茶的世界狂野不拘。 逍遙漂浮……,確實與茶為伍; 與茶變成老友。 回到大地,不多時又回到大地; 世代交替,茶仍活躍在這塊土地上。 作者/ Steven R. Jones 譯註/ 涂國瑞 (revision june 28, we have also coordinated 協調 the poem into a Tea Arts Performance 茶文藝表演; 2009 Tenf...

book: Tea and Ceremony

"Tea and Ceremony" by Diana Saltoon . This is a very good book on tea by a Westerner, the reason I state this is because I am happy to see The West , not only interested but sincerely learning about the Asian Cultures and Asian Classics. Diana Saltoon has actually "lived tea", meaning she has studied and experienced tea from the heart and soul, this can be seen in her writing. I have read much on tea and some things get lost in the translations, not only the translations of language, but the translation of understanding, comprehending, and experiencing, then being able to write for the reader. It is not easy to immerse yourself in Tea Culture and write about have to live tea. I like that she has looked and tea from different angles and she has done her home...she write of Lu Yu the Tea Saint and also tea's roots from China. She also delves into the relationship with tea and Zen/Chan. Great job Ms. Diana Saltoon ! About the author: Tea and ...


扶輪交換學生 click on the link for pics

Taipei Tea Culture Expo

One Hundred Years of Tea Walking along the Chinese arcades infused with the smoky fragrance of jasmine tea, it was as if I were treading a carpet of wondrous and beautiful things. I recall how we would make castles out of meter-square tea crates as building blocks, Hiding inside from the “enemy” beyond the walls in our play war.” Taipei-ologist Chuang Yung-ming, “Nostalgia for the Lanes of Taipei” (The photos from《引領台北走向世界舞台的茶文化特刊》) The words above refer to Kuiteh Street, an important trade area due to its proximity to the port, with its old, high-ceilinged arcades built against the perpetual flooding of the Tanshui River. The air was always full of the fragrance of jasmine, as this was the early 20th century, when jasmine tea and paochung tea were being exported. Prior to this, the English businessman John Dodd had started, in 1869, to ship Formosa Oolong tea to New York, the first chapter in the hundred-year history of Taiwanese tea exports that saw, in its most prosperous period, te...

Tea Route

In 2007, the 350th anniversary of tea's introduction to Britain, the Tracing Tea team will journey from the famous Indian tea port of Kolkata to London through the world's great tea-drinking nations. Tea Tracing Project

Cultural Heritage of China

This cultural exploration is extensive in the detailed descriptions of its content. However, it is also limited in its representation of Chinese culture. Included is a small portion of that culture. There are an infinite number of ways in an infinite number of combinations that the culture of this area could be represented through description. This is one of them. Cultural Heritage of China has gone into the public domain! Beginning in January of 2007, Cultural Heritage of China will offer into the public domain much of our collection. There are only a few exceptions, such as copyrighted works contributed by friends of CHC and republished texts. The other major exception is the Special Reports. None of those will be available under any of our new licenses. What this means, simply, is that anyone visiting our website is free to republish, redistribute or rework any of the text on this website, provided that the resulting work and destinat...

Taipei Tea Heritage Walking Tour and Taiwan's Tea Attractions

The information below is on the Taipei Tea Heritage Walking Tour including historic points of interest, all locations are closeby and a little north of downtown and the main train station. This can easily be a one day self-guided walking tour provided one takes the maps. Tawainese people are very friendly and asking for help is easy along the way. The  link for tea shops map (Chinese) here The link for tea shops map (English) here You should bring both. Off The Tourist Beat These are some great things to see if you like seeing what the locals do, these places are in the older Taipei area, lots of culture stuff in a very close area. If the links don't work use material from this blog. I am a certified docent and I do the English tours, for the Taipei Tea Promotion and Taipei Culture Promotion.  For more info Tel--(02)2555-7598 or (02)2555-2962. (Chinese spoken)  They offer walks through historical Taipei, emphasizing the various cultural achievements,...