
Showing posts from April, 2010


茶經 陸羽撰 一之源 茶者,南方之嘉木也,一尺二尺,乃至數十尺。其巴山峽川有兩人合抱者 ,伐而掇之,其樹如瓜蘆,葉如梔子,花如白薔薇,實如栟櫚,葉如丁香 ,根如胡桃。其字或從草,或從木,或草木並。其名一曰茶,二曰檟,三 曰 ,四曰茗,五曰荈。其地:上者生爛石,中者生櫟壤,下者生黃 土。凡藝而不實,植而罕茂,法如種瓜,三歲可采。野者上,園者次;陽 崖陰林紫者上,綠者次;筍者上,牙者次;葉卷上,葉舒次。陰山坡穀者 不堪采掇,性凝滯,結瘕疾。茶之用,味至寒,飲最宜精行儉德之人,若 熱渴、凝悶、腦疼、目澀、四支煩、百節不舒,聊四五啜,與醍醐、甘露 抗衡也。采不時,造不精,雜以卉,莽飲之成疾,茶累也。亦猶人參,上 者生上黨,中者生百濟、新羅,下者生高麗。有生澤州、易州、幽州、檀 州者,藥無效,況非此者!設服薺 ,使六疾不瘳。知人參累,則茶 累盡矣。 二之具 ,一曰籃,一曰籠,一曰筥。以竹織之,受五升,或一鬥、二鬥、三鬥者 ,茶人負以采茶也。無用 者,釜用唇口者。甑,或木或瓦,匪腰而 泥,籃以簞之,篾以系之。始其蒸也,入乎簞,既其熟也,出乎簞。釜涸 注於甑中,又以穀木枝三亞者制之,散所蒸牙筍並葉,畏流其膏。杵臼, 一曰碓,惟琤峈怢峞C規,一曰模,一曰棬。以鐵制之,或圓或方或花。 承,一曰台,一曰砧。以石之,不然以槐、桑木半埋地中,遣無所搖動。 簷,一曰衣。以油絹或雨衫單服敗者之,以簷置承上,又以規置簷上,以 造茶也。茶成,舉而易之。芘莉,一曰羸子,一曰 筤。以二小竹長 三赤,軀二赤五寸,柄五寸,以篾織,方眼如圃,人土羅闊二赤,以列茶 也。棨,一曰錐刀,柄以堅木之,用穿茶也。撲,一曰鞭。以竹之,穿茶 以解茶也。焙,鑿地深二尺,闊二尺五寸,長一丈,上作短牆,高二尺, 泥之。貫,削竹之,長二尺五寸,以貫茶焙之。棚,一曰棧,以木構於焙 上,編木兩層,高一尺,以焙茶也。茶之半幹升下棚,全幹升上棚。穿, 江東淮南剖竹之,巴川峽山紉谷皮之。江東以一斤上穿,半斤中穿,四兩 五兩小穿。峽中以一百二十斤上,八十斤中穿,五十斤小穿。字舊作釵釧 之“釧”,字或作貫串,今則不然。如磨、扇、彈、鑽、縫五字,文以平 聲書之,義以去聲呼之,其字以穿名之。育,以木制之,以竹編之,以紙 糊之,中有隔,上有覆,下有床,傍有門,掩一扇,中置一器,貯煻...

Incense Terminology

Incense Terminology Incense Arts- [香道 , Kodo] Agarwood - [ 沈香 ] – from heartwood from Aquilaria trees, unique, the incense wood most used in incense ceremony, other names are: lignum aloes or aloeswood, gaharu, jinko, or oud. Censer - [香爐] - usually small, and used for heating incense not burning. Censer and incense burner, the terms are sometimes interchangeable. Charcoal - [木炭] - only the odorless kind is used. Incense burner - [香爐] - usually larger than a censer, and used for burning incense. Incense woods - [ 香木 ] - a naturally fragrant resinous wood. Leaf-tea type - [葉茶類] - tea consisting of the leaves, no tips. Musical terminology borrowed and related to scent: Sharp notes - [高頻] - the first and most volatile scents, quick to dissipate. Round notes - [中頻] - the main body scents, dissipating in the middle. Deep notes - [低頻] - the finishing scents, lingering and slowest to dissipate. Note: the above musical terms are also used similarly in the perfume industry. Odor ...

第一屆彩霞之春無我茶會 First Rosy Spring Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

首次在陸羽教室有英文無我茶會 photos 照片 第一屆彩霞之春無我茶會 First Rosy Spring Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony 時間 Date 2010年04月28日晚上 In The Evening Apr.28, 2010 開始泡茶Brewing Starts 19:10pm 地點 Location 陸羽茶藝中心教室 Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute Classroom 第2期茶之專業英語 Second Class of Specialized English for Tea 英文之無我茶會是一個不錯的學習英文方法。 人人泡茶、人人奉茶、人人喝茶, 大家邊聽著解說員用英文解說無我茶會的流程以及七大精神。 “一石二鳥Kill two birds with one stone” 英文無我茶會 This intensive Specialized English for Tea Studies course is held at Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute in Taipei and is designed for setting a standard for tea terminology and to meet the demands of the students’ future role in Tea Studies. As part of the curriculum the students must arrange a tea ceremony event in English. I having only been an advisor for this event, but it has been the students that have put it together. This Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony will be small; but it is a complete step forward for the upcoming International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony next year held in Taiwan. To help complete this goal and to continue...

茶化學 vs 泡茶 Tea Chemistry vs Tea Brewing

泡茶師聯會      Tea Master Guild 茶化學 vs  泡茶       Tea Chemistry vs Tea Brewing 賴正南博士 Dr. Lai has made great strides in the field of tea science and culture. Thank you.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers  ( 四月雨帶來五月花 ) 節氣period 清明節Ching Ming Festival(Apr. 4-6) 明前茶Pre-Ching Ming Tea 穀雨Grain Rain(Apr. 19-21) 穀雨茶Grain Rain Tea 若依"節氣period "而分,春茶尚可分成三個階段,第一階段是"清明節Ching Ming Day"以前採制的芽茶類,俗稱"明前茶Pre-Ching Ming Tea"。第二階段是清明節以後採制的較為早采的葉茶類。第三階段是"穀雨Grain Rain"以後採制成熟度較高的葉茶類,俗稱"穀雨茶Grain Rain Tea"。 春天的雲彩spring rosy sky "綠茶green tea" 有如一片 "春天的雲彩spring rosy sky",像慈祥的寶寶。 秋天變紅了的楓樹林autumn maple forest "紅茶black tea" 有如一片 "秋天變紅了的楓樹林autumn maple forest",像慈祥的媽媽。

Teas, seasons, and foods

Teas and the seasons, spring- green tea summer- black tea fall- oolong tea winter- puer tea Matching tea and foods: fish- green tea, meats maybe a black tea, veggie- oolong, chinese food- puer...

士林社大(竹山戶外活動)Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』2010

Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』 04/17/2010竹山 士林社大(竹山戶外活動) Tea Appreciation Day 『世界奉茶日』 photos照片 *** Tea Appreciation Day Spring of 2005, Taipei Taiwan Written by Steven R. Jones Spirit of offering to extend Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony originally came from a celebration on Mother's Day called “Family Tea Ceremony” (officially held around 500 people and their Family Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony which began May 12, 1991 at Taipei Music Hall Square, has had 14 years of history), and now has expanded for all people, It is held one day during the first weekend of May (or close to it) every year from 2005. People and organizations can gather together to make and serve tea with the attending individuals and passing strangers alike. This activity is healthy, and now in 2005 the universal activity peacefully chooses the name "Tea Appreciation Day". Any person of: an organization, a group, an association, a family, a community, a school, can organiz...

茶香之旋律 Melody of Tea Incense

I know dogs have a great nose, I wish I could ask them(dogs) what tea smells like. How do you describe the flavor of tea?, We could say that Dragon Well tea taste like you know...Dragon Well green tea.  Taste, odor, fragrance, aroma, flavor, scent, just where do we begin?  

just the basic basics

Now how hard can it be to brew a cup of tea? One answer is, "very easy", the other answer is "very hard". I leave the choice to you. Like most things, the more you learn the more you realize, you need to learn more! When brewing multiple rounds (4~5), each round can and should taste about the same. Yet getting the parameters right is no easy task. That is why they call it Gongfu Tea.

Pioneering English Translation of Chinese Tea Studies Terminology, 5th Lu-Yu Tea Studies Journal

Image Pioneering English Translation of Chinese Tea Studies Terminology By:  Steven R. Jones 5th Lu-Yu Tea Studies Deliberation of Papers Published Journal Conference Pub:  Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute, 2010.04 李瑞河 ISBN 978-986-84204-1-0 首創如此英譯的中文茶學術語 作者 :   瓊斯‧史迪芬 第五屆陸羽茶學研討論文發表會 ( 第 39 、 40 屆泡茶師頒證典禮) 陸羽茶藝股份有限公司 , 2010.04, ISBN 978-986-84204-1-0 Pioneering English Translation of Chinese Tea Studies Terminology 首創如此英譯的中文茶學術語 _________________________________________________ Steven R. Jones 瓊斯史迪芬 __________________________________________________ Mar. 8, 2010 Tea is our bridge and language is our road to this bridge. Fig1 摘要 Abstract: 激動人心之論文發表會尚稱是大家的潤滑劑 , 能 夠從中得到更多有益的啟發。 哲學家 說 : 沉默是一種成熟 ; 思想家 說 : 沉默是一種美德 ; 科學家 說 : 沉默是一種發明 ; 教育教 說 : 沉默是一種智慧 ; 藝術家 說 : 沉默是一種魅力。一項茶文化或 歷史背景、茶葉製造方面以及對茶學最基本性認識等等之英文茶學術語 , 並不是只 說得一口 尚稱流利的國際英語就 夠地。 俗語 說 ; 學以致用 , 現在我將這段時間所學的翻譯成英譯茶學術語 , 也希望能傳遞荼學術語遍及全球。 Where’s my tea ter...